Sunday, March 24, 2013

You are who your friends are?

You know the phrase when people say "You are who your friends are"?
Like whoever you hang out with makes you who you are. That's why if most of your friends do a specific thing; you'll most likely be doing it too!

But then I find myself lost. My range of friends are so wide that I can't even :O
Firstly maybe because I don't have one fixed friend; but then, it's insane. You have to hear me out.

So let's see how I categorize them.

1) Hardworking - High-aiming type. Always concentrate in class & study.
2) Smokers. The "Meet up always go smoke".
3) Slackers. The "Eh let's go lepak" or "Where got time to do work".
4) Jokers. The ones who just makes me laugh no matter what.
5) Neutrals. Conversation leads to nothing. Not much laughter and emotions. Like the world is on pause.
6) Crazy & Vulgar. Half the time just scolding each other (jokingly) and making so much noises.
7) Business people. Talk about investing, shops, stocks etc.
8) Talkative. Can talk about anything and everything.

That's all I can think of so far; and these are my circle of friends.

Hardworking - High-Aiming
Their the ones who always save my ass whenever I slack; it's like you ask them any questions they also can answer you. What's best is if they don't know they will sit there and think for you to get an answer.
Of course I not so cb never think lah; I also appreciate their help okay!

Whenever I hang out or talk to them; I get influenced too. Then I start to be hardworking; then others will say I "step hardworking". HAHAHA. 
Especially near exams I get super stressed; I choose to hang out with them. 

Firstly it's actually quite fun; then you treat them so holy cos they really know all the shit in that subject. 
I just get impressed too easily ._.

I shall clarify that I'M NOT A SMOKER. Neither have I even tried once.

I have interacted with many many smokers ever since primary school; it's more like a norm to me. 
Smokers also got pattern one; sometimes they smoke then got nobody to accompany. I always go one lor; don't ask me why. LOL.

Call me a second-hand smoker but I think they also quite sad lah. Smoking alone is not fun at all; so at least I can accompany them and talk. Plus I guess it's so normal for me already.
I also very smart one; I accompany them already then I make them owe me a favour. Win-win situation right? hehehehe.

This explains why I know some cigarette brands or information etc. 
Then people judge and say I'm a smoker.

I always love to meet them on two occasions. When I have too much shit to do or after the exams.
You know sometimes you are too stressed with all the schedules you just suddenly go out and slack; after that you panic like fuck. HAHAHA.

These "slackers" I know are always super fun to hang out with. They just keep you super relaxed lah; I mean their forever slackers (maybe not forever; just most of the time). So you get influenced also. 
They are also super flexible and understanding. 
When I want to slack but cannot go out too far or with the stupid curfew I have; they come all the way down. So sweet right? I love ^^

This; these people are crazier than me. I actually only have a few jokers. 
But there is one that is definitely the best. If you've been reading my blog often you should know who :P

These jokers not only make me laugh; they never fail to brighten up my day. If I'm having a bad day; I can just suck back all my tears because whenever I talk to them I never fail to smile. If I'm already having an awesome day; they make it crazier.

The best thing is whenever they annoy outsiders. I mean I only do that once in awhile but they always do it whenever I dare them. HAHAHA. 
Sometimes the dare is too crazy and they really go for it; you tell me how to not love them?! Most of the time I just laugh too loud till I annoy strangers; that's my tactic to annoy people ok.

Sometimes I really really hate these people. I think I have nearly got rid of all of them; but of course I still remember who are the ones. 
If you're offended when you see this; it means you are one of them. But at least you're in a group of my life; so be proud okay? LOL.

I have no idea how to describe these people too; looking at the word neutral just says it all. Right?

Crazy & Vulgar
No; this is not like those jokers. This is just crazy and scolding, something like "ah lian". I talk differently; I behave differently. I'm just more open.

When I mean scold; it's just scolding for the sake of it. Sometimes you just have to be vulgar you know? That's just how the friendship works HAHA. 
and when I mean crazy; it's just talking about things that has no link at all. Watching clips or shows that we don't even know how we got into that topic. That crazy.

Then it always comes to a point when we both go "Why are we even talking about this?"
Yea; like that.

Business People
I used to dislike these people because I have no idea what they're talking about. This includes my Father. YES. 
When you ask a question like "Why now this food so expensive?"; he would go talking about the money, the shares. I don't know & I don't get it. LOL

But as I grew older; I respect these people. They understand the world and the economics; and if you need their help, their always more than willing to help you. 
Sometimes I feel like I'm an empty book whenever I talk to them; but then I slowly learn some things. Which is like 1% only ._.

STILL; they still can swap topics and joke around which is cool. I have never met one that goes on all day about "business" and I don't think I would ever want to meet one. 
If you readers have; share it with me. HAHAHA.

Talkative people
I know for some people "talkative" isn't a compliment at all. To me; it is! 
I am one; and I accept that for who I am. But it is tough to find someone like me. I don't really have one friend that's talkative; but my relatives + cousins are mostly the same as me, which is why I love them ^^

The reason why I love to hang out with them is because we both have so much to say that we can't even stop. There are no awkward pauses; just blabbering and laughing. I've never hated someone who was talkative; I think because I'm the top one. LOL.

The best type would be "Talkative + Rapping at the same time" people, IT'S SO FUNNY. 
Sometimes I tend to be like this too. It's because we're too excited or afraid that the rest would lose attention or afraid we forgot what we want to say. IT'S TRUE OK.

So whenever I hear someone speaks quickly; I always think in my head like "omg he/she's rapping. yoyoyo". Especially in my family; it's the best.


and that sums it all. I bet not even half of my readers would be reading up till here hehe.

After looking through all these; I don't even know which group I fit in. Aren't I supposed to be who I hang out with? But I hang out with all! Then am I all? Mind-fuck or what lololol.

I have been thinking about this for like super long but I finally typed it all out muahahaha. 

So can you readers tell me which group I fit into? LOL


CandyAng said...

HAHAHAHAHAS!XDD Ellyne I feel that you fit into the last category.=DD May I know if I am in the 1st or last category or NONE?O_O! XDD

Unknown said...

HAHA. Yea I think so too hehe. When I first knew you; you were in the first. Now it's first and last, HAHA :D

CandyAng said...

Hahahas!=) Wah so I was right hahahahahahahas lols.=DD