Monday, March 18, 2013

Why so sweet?

Life has been great; why? I melted so badly last night. No not because the weather very hot. It's been awhile since someone put so much care in me ^^

My one and only Joshua made a song cover for me. Firstly there was one and it sounded good; then we were chatting you know? 
After that he said he be right back for 5 minutes; then he say he sent me another one again.
I thought it was the same song so I told him I'll listen to it tomorrow so I can wake up to another cover.

Obviously he force me lah! Then I was like okay lor since I've nothing to do. So I went to dig for my ear piece again and...........


I requested that song few weeks ago maybe? & I know firstly he doesn't really sing these types of songs. Secondly he needs to be in a good environment. REALLY SWEET AND MELT UNTIL CANNOT ALREADY.

I thought that he would have forgotten or maybe I'll get that cover like next year.

Singing my favorite song wasn't only the only thing he had to do.

WHY SO SWEET. Tell me waiiiiiii.

After that we continued chatting; even worst.

you tell me why this person exist in my life can? I cannot express how much I love him.
I didn't expect such serious answers when I merely asked; REALLY VERY LOVE HIM CAN.

& don't say I not sweet to him ok.

But then; he's still sweeter lah. I cannot overpower him one; I already melt liao.


Talking about me being me; I really don't understand. LOL.
I think three people have already said it to me and I don't know why it seems like such a good point.

Aren't we supposed to be ourselves? :O
I remember W telling me, "You can hate someone so openly and not afraid of anything. Which is good; because you aren't fake."

Reaaaalllyyyy? I think it's true; but others call me mean. *shrugs shoulders*

I have been myself for my entire Year 1 in RP and I have more haters than lovers.
But after seeing what my lovely best boy friend said. I fuck the rest who hate me ok. HAHAHA.
Ok lah; I think this post is boring. I just want to show off my Joshua and praise him cos I not sweet enough to make him melt :(

E says byebye!

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