Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sunday Updates.

Sunday's updates. I went to an event! It has been awhile since I went to events. This time it was interesting.

My mum got invited to go to an event about perfumes & she asked my Dad and I along. It was at the Singapore Flyer. Royal Palms I think?

It was an interesting event as the perfumes they made were created uniquely. Of course I wouldn't dump everything here but do check out their website!

What I've learnt from the event is that APC (Asia Plantation Capital) grows a type of tree that produces Oud Oil. Which after distills into perfume. They even sell their own perfume & I can say that the smell's pretty unique.

They even gave us samples of their perfume. The smell's so sweet!

I didn't really know what to wear for an event so I kept myself entire black :O
Black Tank; Black Clutch & Leopard Outer wear from lastbusride.livejournal.com
Black Jeans from Uniqlo

I too long never act cute already. I had to.

Spot MBS!

This is clearly the most incidental artistic photo I took. hehehe.

Why my parents go event wear so casual :/

There was a food court & the decorations were so nice. Reminiscing about the oldies. (did I spell that correctly?)

I didn't take photos during the event as I was the only teenager there & very buey paiseh to take photos. Didn't even know if photography was allowed so I didn't whip out my camera. Sorry :(

Headed to grandma's house early.

After waiting for how many bloody hours; MY PRINCE CAME!

YAYY! I really really really missed him :(
I still miss him now. It's been 2 days baby; where are you? AHAHA.

Played pictionary and we made the rules so messed up we gave up. LOL.

I haz a new text book. I need to study ^^

Late dinner.

Before I end.


Joshua claims because I had his name in. HAHAHAHA. 
These views really keep me supported to continue blogging as I know some people do really read them.

Keep reading and I love you readers :D

E says byebye!

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