Friday, March 29, 2013

The Host.

Yesterday was another movie day ^^ I always feel happy whenever I watch movies now.
I remember the times when I was with W and we always watched movies together. So often that whoever asks me "Eh you watch ____ already?", I would mostly reply yes.

But now since I lead a partly & confusing single life plus no money. I'm cooped up at home! D:

Moving on; I watched The Host with Clarie the bitch. HAHA.

I only took these two photos ._.
Never a habit to take photos with her because we always have so many things to catch up on and chat.

Image from Google.

Let's talk about the movie. 
Firstly; I super super love these type of movies. How do you even call it? It's just not practical lolol.
I love the story line! It's quite unique as there's many monologues within a main character. I'm not gonna spoil it for you readers. But; there's way too many kissing scenes -_-
Like wtf. Clarie and I were saying how she got to keep kissing more than one guy.
Gonna rate it a 8.5/10 though ^^

So anyway; Mr K is overseas at the moment and I'm soooo sad :(
actually not really; surprisingly I'm able to cope with it. Which I totally love because I used to be so immature. Of course; there's always room for improvement.

Two nights ago; I got bored and inspired to draw.

What do you guys think? ahahaha this is so amateur stuff dafuq.

Heading out to Grandma's later on. Shall update soon ^^

E says byebye!

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