Thursday, March 28, 2013

Movie Madness.

Firstly before I start blogging; I would really happily share with you readers this.

I have officially broke the record again! ^^ Previously was 150. & it's all thanks to this.

I blogged about a Blog Shop Review & it just shot up so high. I'm so grateful and happy that readers do enjoy this. After all; I really put it my most effort in blogging. 
So, Thank You ^^

If you haven't seen the review; check it out HERE!


So last Sunday; I went to watch a movie with anon. Who's anon? Anonymous lah. LOL.
& nooo it's not Mr K. They're two different people. 

I went to watch Oz The Great and Powerful.

Image from Google.

The movie was predictable enough but I can say that the story-line was pretty good. There was a twist in some parts & the humor was just right. The animation was superb! I think the sound effects were nicely done.
I guess I shall rate it a 7/10? 

Pardon my "film observations" but talking about humor.....

I shall not type in detail but to summarize. There was a guy alone; diagonally in front of us and he was SLEEPING. Yes; sleeping.
Not in the middle or at the end of the movie (which I might understand) but only maybe after 30 minutes.
What's worst? HE SNORED.

SO LOUDLY. That everyone could here and we were all were staring at him. I didn't know why I wasn't pissed but "Anon" and I started kicking the chairs to wake him up. BUT HE DID NOT. 

It was so funny because there were extra sound effects; I am still sitting here wondering why he even bought the ticket to "watch" alone. The epic moment was when the movie ended; that guy woke up and left the theatre. 
"Anon" raised his voice while yawning out loud saying; " WOAAA. Wake up already ah"

SO GL AND FUNNY CAN. Then when we were outside we saw a group of people (who were in the same theatre as us) and we knew they were talking about that guy. "Anon" started to snore while walking past them. All of us laughed. Y SO FUNNY.

Okok; super draggy. This was what I wore on that day.

It has been awhile since I showed off my necklace ^^

"Anon" and I were walking at Popular before the movie & I saw this. OMFG.
I seriously need it to top up my collection. I have the small and medium one. This is large. If i'm not wrong there's a larger one. I NEED ALL CLOVERS PLS.

I guess that's it for today. So many updates to do but I haz no photos.

E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Wow I didnt know you like clovers too...

Unknown said...

WHAAAT. you like them too?! :D

CandyAng said...

Hahahahas nope uhh I have a friend who likes them too like so coincidence!^.^ What I like is musical notes!^.^

Unknown said...

Oh icic. Yea; I can tell from your necklace hehe ^^

CandyAng said...

Hahahahas yep so sry for the late reply.=)