Monday, February 4, 2013

Skeleton, flesh, figures.

Hey ho Hello! It's been raining since yesterday and the weather's so cooling. How's everyone nesting up? ^^

Today was a super tiring day. My brain literally died and Candy kept laughing at my words hehe.
I couldn't sleep till 4 or 5 last night and I only felt myself resting, was late for school too :<
It's weird I'm not tired on the outside but my speech just keeps getting messed up LOL.

Drawing today was quite boring. We had to draw stick mans. and honestly I really hate it.
It was so confusing as we had to draw the "skeleton" first and then adding the flesh.
We already learnt how to draw muscles and flesh before and it's like learning backwards. I was sad =(

This was the first exercise we did. It didn't even seem like my art work :(
We had to draw 5 poses and I really couldn't think of any. Even if i did, I always have problems drawing out whatever I'm thinking. 

This looks more like it ay? ^^ I took the risk and drew without the "skeleton" first.
It was hell much easier :>

A photo of ALL my bags while I was packing my room. Gave and threw nearly half of everything.
Now I can know which bag to appreciate and use frequently. hehehe.

OOTD when I went out for a short while last (or 2) weeks ago. There's just something about this outfit that attracts me. HAHAHA.

Talk today was kinda epic cos it only lasted for half an hour. Lunched and chat for nearly 2 hours before dentist.

E says byebye!

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