Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I know I'm supposed to post pictures & pictures of Chinese New Year but NO. I want to type a wordy post. Mainly cos I was feeling offended yesterday due to some happenings.
It's not MAJOR like OMFGYOUBLOODYPIECEOFPOOP that kinda thing lah okay!

So the situation was like this:

4 families (including mine) decided to visit a relative's house (Let's just name those two Uncle and Aunty).
We always visit them nearly every Chinese New Year. I remember the good times we had as we used to visit them when we were younger too!
Our family was the second to reach and everything was okay till the next family came which was the family I was closest with (my dear cousin) but NO I DON'T HATE HER.  

It was what the Uncle and Aunty did and said that made me feel like "oh okay? Seriously?".
When my cousin went to greet Uncle and Aunty, they immediately asked and held her asking if she was from JC,and when she nodded they told her to sit down and they started chatting.

WOW. Really?

Okay yes I might have misinterpreted or misunderstood them and you guys would like "walau like that you also angry meh?" I'm not angry, I just felt offended at that time (& now a little).

The way they both talked to her was like as if "I only talk to JC people cos my kids also from JC then we same same". You get what I mean? The worst is they didn't even bother to talk to me or my other cousins. I might be a little jealous yes but I think this isn't the way for Chinese New Year right?

Firstly I know they're older than me and it's not right to comment or judge them but what I saw was what I really saw and felt.  *INSERT HONEST REMARKS HERE* 

To me, Chinese New Year is a time where you meet people that you seldom do and catch up with each other to have good times. Not to find specific people to chat with. If you're shy and you're not talking, it's fine. But asking a question based on their background and school just seriously...................

It's like " Oh you're poor? Okcan I find someone else to talk to if not we talk different things."
or "Walau so ugly and shy, her sister better" (These are just examples!)

Maybe the way they asked was wrong but I know their intentions meant well. Maybe because they don't know things about poly so they didn't talk to us?
BUT STILL, at that point of time I was like " So you're loving my cousin more and helping her just because she's from JC?".

To lastly clear things off properly:

I just didn't really like the way they treated their guests differently. I love my cousin, like really. No matter what background, what school or whatever differences; WE'RE STILL FAMILY. and no one should be biased about that.

E says byebye!

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