Monday, February 25, 2013

Photo Blogging - Chinese New Year '13 Day 7.

YES. I know some readers will be like "Wtf, keep posting about CNY not sian meh?!"
Answer: My life has been SO boring now due to the maximum stress due to exams and the amount of missing someone (does that count?), so in the mean time I'll update about the unstressed moments of my life okay?! HAHA

Black Tank-top and Clutch from
Red High-waist shorts from Bugis Street

I was really out of New Year clothes to wear, but I was mad proud of my new HIGH WAIST SHORTS.
I have too little of these; I need more of them; but right now, I need to hao lian okay? ^^

Reason why we cover the mirrors with paper? If you know it; High-five babeh.

My cute lil' third pig of the family ^^


 so intense. SO INTENSE.

 That this lil' pig's chopstick flew away twice. HAHAHAHAHAHAH.

After nomming, time for fruits and "fish". kekeke.

Warning: Maximum spam of photos that look the same but different. See & you'll understand.

 Now you know why? HAHA. I just can't choose the best photo, you should have seen the amount of "photographers" behind the scenes.

That's all for today!
E says byebye!

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