Sunday, March 31, 2013

Good Friday.

Headed to Grandma's house on Good Friday as usual, nothing special though.
Except we had to do some serious job....................

Firstly separating all the coins, then counting all of them.
From my Uncle to my Dad. HAHA. Of course I shan't say out the total. It was so damn heavy.

 Even Chandler knew how to do it too! ^^ But he gave up after 15 minutes lololol.

We then headed to a new restaurant near-by. The food was alright; it was a simple day :)

Nearly everywhere I go; I must have hot tea ^^

We all had no idea what Chandler was thinking while waiting for the food. He kept smiling; and then frowning after. HAHA. Hais why so cute.

Oops; forgot to zoom out. heh.

Nom all the way!

My hair has been pretty long and wavy; I kinda like it. heh. Should I continue keeping it longer?
but it's really time to trim my fringe T.T

Heading out later for a short while. Another day of relaxing.

E says byebye!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

A walk in the park.

Today is the day where something good is happening. Mr K is coming back to Singapore! ^^
But only I can feel the joy because only I know who is he. lolololol. (wait this sentence structure seems wrong)

So anyway; my body clock was pretty messed up few weeks ago & I keep waking up on the floor and then going back to my bed. It's still happening now; but at least I try to sleep around 11pm and wake up at 9/10. 
I feel back on track. AHA.

Since I'll be heading out tomorrow; I thought that I could do something productive. Bringing my doggy out for a walk! 

If you saw the book I was holding in the photo. Apparently I wanted to have a rest somewhere in the park to chill and read. This dog kept pulling me and she was so sad.
Now that I'm home; ain't nobody got time fo dat.

Always the perfect place to go to whenever I feel like hanging out alone or with my dog.
I can't believe I've been admiring this place for 11 years ^^

Shall do some exercise and relax at home while I wait for Mr K to reach Singapore YAY.

My bear magically transformed into pink. heh.
E says byebye!

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Host.

Yesterday was another movie day ^^ I always feel happy whenever I watch movies now.
I remember the times when I was with W and we always watched movies together. So often that whoever asks me "Eh you watch ____ already?", I would mostly reply yes.

But now since I lead a partly & confusing single life plus no money. I'm cooped up at home! D:

Moving on; I watched The Host with Clarie the bitch. HAHA.

I only took these two photos ._.
Never a habit to take photos with her because we always have so many things to catch up on and chat.

Image from Google.

Let's talk about the movie. 
Firstly; I super super love these type of movies. How do you even call it? It's just not practical lolol.
I love the story line! It's quite unique as there's many monologues within a main character. I'm not gonna spoil it for you readers. But; there's way too many kissing scenes -_-
Like wtf. Clarie and I were saying how she got to keep kissing more than one guy.
Gonna rate it a 8.5/10 though ^^

So anyway; Mr K is overseas at the moment and I'm soooo sad :(
actually not really; surprisingly I'm able to cope with it. Which I totally love because I used to be so immature. Of course; there's always room for improvement.

Two nights ago; I got bored and inspired to draw.

What do you guys think? ahahaha this is so amateur stuff dafuq.

Heading out to Grandma's later on. Shall update soon ^^

E says byebye!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Movie Madness.

Firstly before I start blogging; I would really happily share with you readers this.

I have officially broke the record again! ^^ Previously was 150. & it's all thanks to this.

I blogged about a Blog Shop Review & it just shot up so high. I'm so grateful and happy that readers do enjoy this. After all; I really put it my most effort in blogging. 
So, Thank You ^^

If you haven't seen the review; check it out HERE!


So last Sunday; I went to watch a movie with anon. Who's anon? Anonymous lah. LOL.
& nooo it's not Mr K. They're two different people. 

I went to watch Oz The Great and Powerful.

Image from Google.

The movie was predictable enough but I can say that the story-line was pretty good. There was a twist in some parts & the humor was just right. The animation was superb! I think the sound effects were nicely done.
I guess I shall rate it a 7/10? 

Pardon my "film observations" but talking about humor.....

I shall not type in detail but to summarize. There was a guy alone; diagonally in front of us and he was SLEEPING. Yes; sleeping.
Not in the middle or at the end of the movie (which I might understand) but only maybe after 30 minutes.
What's worst? HE SNORED.

SO LOUDLY. That everyone could here and we were all were staring at him. I didn't know why I wasn't pissed but "Anon" and I started kicking the chairs to wake him up. BUT HE DID NOT. 

It was so funny because there were extra sound effects; I am still sitting here wondering why he even bought the ticket to "watch" alone. The epic moment was when the movie ended; that guy woke up and left the theatre. 
"Anon" raised his voice while yawning out loud saying; " WOAAA. Wake up already ah"

SO GL AND FUNNY CAN. Then when we were outside we saw a group of people (who were in the same theatre as us) and we knew they were talking about that guy. "Anon" started to snore while walking past them. All of us laughed. Y SO FUNNY.

Okok; super draggy. This was what I wore on that day.

It has been awhile since I showed off my necklace ^^

"Anon" and I were walking at Popular before the movie & I saw this. OMFG.
I seriously need it to top up my collection. I have the small and medium one. This is large. If i'm not wrong there's a larger one. I NEED ALL CLOVERS PLS.

I guess that's it for today. So many updates to do but I haz no photos.

E says byebye!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

ShopThe Excessories Review.

Do you remember the first time when you learned about a Blog Shop? 
There are pre-orders, instockstrades and many things that we all want to look for. 

I personally love to buy instocks because there is no waiting time! But there are cons too :(
Instocks might come quickly but they might not be in good use. The items might not be brand new; so it is at a high risk!

I used to surf the net everyday just to look for instocks & I noticed that we would always want these three requirements when buying something.

- Friendly and trusted Blog Shop owner.
- Cheap & Good quality items.
- Able to pay and collect easily based on both parties.


I actually have been buying things from her but I have no idea why I didn't share this. 

Firstly; ShopThe Excessories's items(instocks) are mostly in very good conditions. Sometimes it looks so new that it doesn't seem like an instock!
Secondly; the owner of ShopThe Excessories is so friendly and responsible. Sometimes whenever I am not free to meet her; we both always try to compromise. It's like we're friends more than "business partners".
Last but not least; ShopThe Excessories's instocks are always very cheap. The owner even gives you discounts if you buy more! So why not buy?!

Not only instocks; I have bought from ShopThe Excessories pre-order items too! ^^

White-Pink-Black Baggu Bag from ShopThe Excessories 

Quality is good and easy to wash too!

Hello Kitty Specs from ShopThe Excessories

Hello Kitty Shades from ShopThe Excessories

White Sling Bag from ShopThe Excessories

Geeky Specs from ShopThe Excessories

Since I loved the Baggu Bag so much above; I even bought another color from her!
 Brown Baggu Bag from ShopThe Excessories

 Recently bought Spiked Hair Tie from ShopThe Excessories!

 Spiked Bangle from ShopThe Excessories too!

ShopThe Excessories also sells cute little rings!
I remember buying rings from her but I forgot which are the ones; but I knew they were all durable and in good condition too ^^

More mature stuff at ShopThe Excessories.

ShopThe Excessories also has another Facebook page.
The Excessories

Surprisingly; ShopThe Excessories also has a Blog Shop for Men!
Exurban ForMen

I definitely recommend you readers to support her. Of course; I'll continue to do that too! ^^

Remember to head to her Facebook Page, Like & Support!

ShopThe Excessories
The Excessories
Exurban ForMen