Saturday, June 13, 2009


hey alls!!~~~ its dinner time heehee.
so gonna type faster faster!!~~ ;D
bro just came back. so lappy how nerhs? =(

today my leg is so damn damn pain can! walking like a retard. T.T
stomach also. hand also abit suan. =p

went to tuition. funny lorhs. down there keep laughing.
all of us cracking jokes this that lorhs. lol.
talk abt wad festival this that. tell us the story of how this day happen blah blah~~

came home watch the ch 8 derhs lorhs.
dono wad babe thingy LOL!!
i love that girls bangs. nice seh. i forgot her name.
or not say forgot. not keen to remember and find out. teehee.

zi xuan gor go wedding lerhs! LOL.
jiayous okay! gimme see wad u wear. lawl
be shuai and happy there ;D

i love the game restaurant city and barn buddy lerhs!
hahaha. can sit there and wait do things then u suddenly see the money go up LOL.
its fun yeahs!~ <3

nth to post lerh worhhs.

not gonna make the fonts colourful. no time. LOL ;X

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