Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ice-CREAM. =p

ITS 8 HAHAHAHAHA. suddenly woke up hehe ;D
im missing my ICE-CREAM. LOL
its like so damn hot zzz
and im having sore throat.
so bo bian. no more ice cream
today got dance! 12.30.
still waiting for dad to confirm if bringing me anot.
hahaha. i also sui bian derhs..
eeeeyer.tmr got the stupid chinese class.
i dowan go sia!!!! alamak. ==
wan give class give maths mah! LOL!! JKJK.
stil got wad to write??? lawlssss
aiya go play audi lerhs ;DD
lata busy day hahaha.
if u playing audi lata add me kayys!

may be posting somemore lata at night ;D


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