Friday, September 28, 2012


yes it's my morning face.


I'M PISSED. and it's 10.40am now. how awesome is my morning?

the reason why i'm blogging it and not ranting on Facebook is because i'm controlling.
not going to type out any names here. i only say out names to the ONE i really really hate.

i'm blogging cos i'm mad and i'm venting out my anger here. if you're offended; i'm sorry.
i'm just someone who speaks out everything inside me.

I indirectly found a job for you; but you can't rely on me and ask me what's the pay etc. you have to ask it yourself.
It's not like I've known you for a short while and i know i always had to remind you stuff during class.
and for god's sake it's YOUR JOB. why? why piss me off in the morning?

7 notifications on Facebook and read through comments.
others say us weird it's okay; then when i said that ALL of us were unique; you put in on me?

yeah i know i might seem childish or something but i fucking fucking hate people who disturbs me before me disturbing them.
i don't touch you; you don't come molesting me first. ain't that right?
jokes are jokes, but you already made me pissed before that. so too bad.

and WOW; telling me i lost? is that some kind of joke that i'm supposed to tickle myself before that?
hey hey, Ellyne doesn't admit defeat easily okay? and come on it's just a status.
if you want to win. well go ahead. achievement for you? *claps*

tell me. someone tell me why Friday has to be like this.

Gonna go play some games or watch a movie or something to cool down.