Sunday, September 23, 2012

My first son who's 12 years younger than me.

Good night everyone! it's going to be 8pm while i'm typing this. LOL.
the photo above looks like i'm having lipstick O_O *but i look cute with me bunny teeth ay? :B*

the only thing i can blog about today was i bathed my doggy :/
no photos or whatsoever cos i stayed at home the whole day! and my shoulders are aching like mad.
stayed at home tetris-ing; audi-ing, youtube-ing; eating; stoning; sleeping; chatting.
sundays weren't supposed to be that boring :(

oh well. i think many people got a shock when reading the title. HAHA.
who's my son?! well...... he's my cousin! kekekekeke. and he's so kawaiiiii!!

yeah; that's my bro giving me a sign that he wants to be in the photos.

spent time with him yesterday and he's simply adorable.
i really really really want him to be my god-son! :'( i guess i'm too young for all these huh.

no work tmr; not sure if there's plans.
this shoulder ache is just making my mood worst.

worst is my plans can't involve money cos i've no money left. *will coins do?*
guess it's time to post something interesting (soon) to boost up my blog views. hehehe.

seeya tmr! ^.^

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