Sunday, September 1, 2013


Once upon a time, there was a little girl who had her first day of school in Primary 1. She was known for the small body but loud voice; but she didn't have any friends.
She ate alone for nearly every day but she didn't really bothered about having "friends" and "bffs" only till the day she met two very close guy friends all the way to Primary 4.

She finally had a group of close friends that made her enjoy lessons everyday. But there was a point of time where everyone suddenly shut her off. 
She started living life alone again and didn't really cared about who was there for her. After awhile, things went back to normal.

Finally, Secondary school came and she met a very special girl. Both of them were so close that they did everything together. Even when they got home, they start chatting on the phone till their parents came home. That was her first best girlfriend.

Two happy years passed and things came tumbling again for the next two. However, she chose to be alone instead of finding new friends.

The uniform days were finally over, she thought she was finally free. But still; people started disliking, backstabbing and many could not accept who she really was.

She only had a few friends to count on for the past 1 year, and she doesn't try to find new people. It's not because she's shy or egoistic, she always tells herself:

"If you people can't accept me for who I am, fuck off. I rather be alone for the rest of my life till I find someone who's gonna be there for me like how I'm gonna be for them. I'd rather be alone happy than having a group of friends who run away when I need someone."

Don't find friends just for the status and accompany, because if you do; you totally shouldn't be living and I've lost all respect for you.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Been your friend since primary school leh. I never shut you offffffffff. WHERE GOT SHUT YOU OFF WORXXZCZX. *hug*

CandyAng said...

Wow! Am really shocked to know this, thanks Ellyne for posting it up!=) Now I know, actually I'm somehow quite like you.=) Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be your friend & we are still very close, even though we may not be in the same class anymore & both of us have been busy lately. BUT Ellyne you'll always be my CLOSE friend in my POLY life!^-^ Hopefully BEST friend 1 day.>< I can't wait to hang out with you soon! All the best with your UTs!=DDD Loves!<333

Unknown said...

@Anon2: LOL. Well the victim always remembers what happened.

@Candy: Hahaha aww you're too sweet! Thank you for the friendship we've established over few months. Let's catch up soon after the UTs!! ^^ <3