Friday, September 20, 2013

The best girlfriend.

How's everyone been? I'm currently having major right arm aches now due to over-exercising, never had aches for two days straight :<
This week's been pretty busy for me and everyday has been a chaos(or at least 1 happening). But still, been pretty happy due to some people who've been there and also X Factor hehehe.

I have a whole load of things to blog about, I know I've been saying this repeatedly but I really really have things to share but I haven't had much time :(

The nights have also been fun yet tiring because it's the only time I talk to Hubz, and the usual me being the best girlfriend playing hard to get/stupid/lame.

Here's me being hard to get.

When Hubz say he has a gift for me.

and that's me being lame....

Conversation when I said I feel like he didn't miss me (aka hard to get)

 and ways I burn him so badly.

If you didn't get the joke, I guess this post would bore you much LOL.


Update really soon, hopefully tomorrow :>
E says byebye!

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