Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Early First Month Celebration PART 1

It's finally mid-week! 

This week feels so long but yesterday was such a memorable one I can't help but feeling happy still! We had our early monthsary celebration because I have two papers tomorrow. Thanks RP.

So anyway...... Hubz wanted to surprise me on where we were going and thank god I wore the proper attire. It was a place I've been raving about with all the unpleasant/pleasant memories that I've NEVER been to and I swear I was acting all like a kid.

there's one more place that we would be going but that would be a second part of another post hehe.


Time to shut up, let the pictures roll.

First photo of the day! Really too happy that I brought my shades too because the Sun would have burnt my contact lenses ._.

Nice nostril hubz....

Someone tell me this is called the Ferris Wheel! I was screaming when I saw it (I'm a hardcore fangirl for nature and anything beautiful).
Hubz was like "B ah, that's the Singapore Flyer"

Yes I know, the ferris wheel sounds nicer :(

Fun fact: Hubz is good at taking selcas/selfies. How the hell can he include the MBS and Ferris Wheel in one photo ._.

Too breathtaking I'm still too happy.

I didn't know what was this and Hubz said it was Brinjal/Eggplant. I was so close to believing it.
PS: It's a light and it's everywhere. Like as if there would be Eggplants there :(:(

Birdy strolling around with us.

& this is what Hubz chose to do hahahaha.

Then there was an awesome pawsome swing, the scenery was wonderful and so perfect *.*

Taken by Hubz.

Time to cam-whore ^^

How we spoil other couple's moment. Take a look behind us.. HAHAWEAREAWESOME.

I kinda look like a serial killer but Hubz has really some nice photo-taking skills ._.

When he gets bored...

Look at this wonderful sculpture, the baby looks so real!

Hello Koi! Can I have Milk Tea with Pearl 70% Sugar level please?

Guarding his eggs.

I'm so gonna save money and get my ass up there.

Inside joke for Ah Ping if he reads my blog hehehe.

Is this The Dome? I forgot the name but it was so beautiful inside. As usual it's a must pay thing and I'm so going when I have the money!
I tried to take a photo but it's impossible to take a nice one :(

Then we continued to go somewhere else! But that'll be for Part 2 tomorrow ^^
I hope you guys enjoyed this like how Hubz and I did. It's my first so recent post in weeks!


Even though I'm having intense leg sores now and Hubz kinda over-tired out. I just wanna tell Hubz and everyone how happy and lucky I am.
Whether it was yesterday or the place, I'm really lucky to have Hubz by my side forever and always.

I'm still so happy from everything we did and gone through since we got together and especially yesterday. I hope you did too Hubz! & please rest well <3 p="">
E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Wow wow wow seems like someone enjoy ttm and had a fun &happy r/s so far!^.^ Am so super duper happy for you ellyne!^.^ Glad you've found your happiness! *envy* hahahas.XDD Love reading this post and love the last photo!^.^ You know what the best photos are usually taken anyhow at any angle, because that this how you see the beauty in that certain angle lols my logic anyway hehes all the best in everything hope to meet up soon!^.^

Unknown said...

Hahaha aww. HAHAH different perspective :P :P Yea all the best! Few more papers to go!

Anonymous said...

part II pl0x. hahahha! SHE'S NO LONGER THE ONLY ONE.

CandyAng said...

Yep yep its time to have a good chat tgt lols hahahas we have been so busy, time to enjoy holiday abit before chionging again!^.^

Unknown said...


@Candy Hehehe yerp! :)