Monday, September 30, 2013

September Babies.

It's going to be October tomorrow and this post is one month late lolhehe. September has been crazy and fun due to many occasions especially birthdays! September is the fullest birthday month ever because there are so many September babies in our family.

I don't remember which part of Orchard this is at but clearly enough the restaurant name is KISEKI.

My family and I were early so I started snapping photos! I seldom have time to do so during previous years...

This is also what happens when a family group is too huge, it's so tough to decide who sits where muahahaha.

& the nom-ing begins!

Time for birthday cake for September babies!
Our cake was free this year all thanks to our Aunt who baked it, the decoration was peeeeerfect.

Grandma the VIP ^^

September babies :)

Birthday song video ^^

Here's Bertia being afraid of Grandma as usual hehehehe.

 We then headed to Grandma's house and our Uncle bought NERF GUNS.

Look who's here?! :D

Crazy shit ass gun that can contain 40 bullets wtf.

Pardon me for not tilting the video, I'm too lazy lol.


October is tomorrow which means the end of year is really coming! I'm excited yet sad at the same time, cya soon ^^

E says byebye!

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