Monday, April 15, 2013

Updates of a tired girl.

Currently feeling pretty messed up, tired & emotional. So if you want a happier post; scroll down. heh.

It's been two weeks since all the heartbreak; & it's not a single bit easy to let go at all. Just last week; you still couldn't let go of me. I actually deleted all the nice texts you sent; but then I saved the one on last Monday.
You just wanted to say goodnight; how sweet was that? I miss it; I miss us.

I don't know if you're just plain busy and tired or you're just trying to let go. Maybe you've already let go of everything. Even worst maybe you've already found another girl.

Things aren't easy for me. I talk to you and I feel so stupid with your replies. Should I just numb myself and stop initiating things anymore? 

Sometimes I just wish I could tell you in the face; "Fuck off from my life; I'm done with you."
But just looking at your pictures kill me inside; talk about real life.

I really have the urge to just leave to another school or country. I just really need to be alone or find somewhere peaceful. 

"How dumb was I to think that making myself busy would make me feel better when deep inside all I feel is pain and sorrow."


So anyway on a brighter note; busy is still partially good. I got to meet new people ^^

Woke up early today to help out in the SLC Game Station. It was quite fun but I was too tired and I felt like I didn't do my best :[
Also; I conked out only at 2am last night and didn't get Red Bull. What a great decision I made.
Took some photos with the rest but it wasn't with my cam. If they upload then I'll post it up here okay :D

Also; I have to warn. 
I have no idea why I'm updating in this sleepy state I swear I'll never understand this when I look at it tomorrow.

Had to wear my RP Shirt & I totally felt like a freshie. GSM Sticker so cute please.

Super shag in the bus with headaches and all. I even missed my stopped ._.

I forgot what I did last night but I was in a super "act cute" mode.

Ok, please go wash your eyes now. HAHAHA.

So anyway I had the blue screen of death. Therefore I got a new laptop! ^^

But I'm still currently using the old one; it's actually working fine now ._.
Will show you guys the new one when everything is ready :)

E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Hahahahahahas ellyne the act cute thing you did was "Gwiyomi".=)

Unknown said...

yes! HAHAH.