Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend at Grandma's.

This was last week photos, sorry for the super overdue :(
I have quite a number of photos to edit so I'll post this up first.

Finally got to meet my twin pig as she had her exams before that.

My hair was pretty messed due to the hair cut.....
& the dear Kelly always loves to take photos of my mole (it's the obvious one)

but always fails to take a clear photo. LOL

another one. hais.

So anyway, Chandler came over quite late. HE WAS SO FRIENDLY :D
He haz the slurpee (did i spell that right cos it looks wrong)

One thing that made me so happy last weekend was...............

I don't need a man or love; I just need chu my pizza ^^ HAHAHAH.
Oh and here's a funny video of le pigz playing a game. 
I forgot the name of the game but it's a total childhood game!

You have to see how intense it was.

E says byebye!

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