Wednesday, April 24, 2013

CCA Fiesta - Service - Learning Club.

DISCLAIMER: This was actually yesterday's post but I felt that it wasn't good enough as I was quite tired. Decided to read through and do some edits before publishing it. Sorry for not blogging yesterday :(

It's gonna be 10pm in a few minutes and I've been really busy today! But it's been a happy busy, super productive despite getting sick :)

I was all about going to blog about how school was today but I had to talk about this first!
For RP Students and freshies, CCA FIESTA STARTS TOMORROW!
which is today cos this post was yesterday's lololol.

Headed for a short meeting and helped out with the rest for our booth.
If you still don't know what CCA/IG I'm in............


Yes! I know, I seem so fierce, unfriendly, unkind but NO OKAY :(
I had such a fun time helping out, the entire venue looked like an IT-Fair heh.

NICE RIGHT. Thank you. AHA, just joking. 
All of us did a great job helping and planning. I didn't really do much but still X)

So if you're interested..........

What's SLC about?

In my opinion, it's plainly to help; love and care for others ^^
So if you're a really helpful person (like me loljustjoking) or love to help out, you should totally join us!

We help to organize events like One Heart and EIPIC (which I'm in) and you get to gain experience by organizing and helping out in many ways.
You'll definitely learn something after joining us and there are many friendly people in the SLC Committee!

My Experience in SLC.

I've actually been in SLC since my first year in RP but I wasn't active due to many reasons.
But after I got introduced by a friend who needed a volunteer for an event, I started to become "alive".

It's only been a month or so since I've officially entered SLC and even though there are no events that I've really completed, I've been enjoying every single moment with the people there.

I have yet to know all the people but the ones around me so far are always so kind and loving. They're so friendly and sociable you feel as if you're part of a family. I always feel happy whenever I'm with them.

One thing that I've learn so far is to definitely cut down on my ego.
YES; I have the biggest ego a girl could ever have.
I seldom smile at people including to those I know, I sometimes try to avoid situations when it comes to helping or even saying "hi" to a friend far away.

Joining SLC makes me all kind and innocent again.
Where you just get along with the people around you, organize events and help out in whatever you can. It makes me feel peaceful :)

Our Service - Learning Booth is at Agora Hall 4Booth 51 from 12-2 and 4-6.


E says byebye!

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