Friday, April 12, 2013

Chandler's Performance - Autism Awareness

If you readers don't know who's Chandler; you ain't my loyal reader. HAHA just joking. 
My Aunt and Uncle invited me to see his performance. It think it's an event to create awareness for Autism but we only stayed to watch his performance!


Top from
Denim Shorts & Brown sling.

My fringe was pretty nice during a period and I was in love with tying a bun ^^
now here I am regretting ok.

The event was held outside Ion Orchard!

The Emcee. I forgot his name but his voice is very recognizable.

Spot Chandler!

All the other performers.

Photo taking with his friends after their performance.

After everything ended; my lovely Uncle treated me for dinner. No photos of the food thou :[

In the car with Chloe.

Oh yea and here's a video of his performance! I'm not sure if the video works and pardon the lousy quality. I had to zoom in to the maximum ._.


Heading out for dinner later with my Mum; Aunt and Chloe. Today has been so relaxing and I totally love it hehe.
For all the poly mates out there; enjoy and laugh more before school starts hoho.

E says byebye!

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