Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Triple C's.

Since I've MIA-ed for about a week, my posts are mostly gonna be far back to last week. But there are so many photos & enjoyable moments!

If you seen the title of this post; why "Triple C's"? Answer: Chandler, Chloe & Candy.
oh just realized Chandler & Chloe's maid is called Chris. I CAN'T EVEN.

Decided to head out to find Chandler on Wednesday after all the crying and heartbreak. Who else could comfort me just by his actions? ^^

My fringe irritated me so badly so I decided to pin them up and wear my contacts.
Also remember when I went shopping with Candy & I said I bought two tees but I haven't took a photo of them? I wore one of them that day! (you don't say lolol)

I don't why I feel like I look so "ah-lianish" in this photo post lolol.

So anyway; Chandler was surprised that I went over but he immediately found something to do together.... PAINTING!

His painting so artistic please. HAHA.

He saw me whipping out my camera and he took it to take photos of his toys.

Found one whole sack of stationary and he started to explore on his own.

He got bored; I got tired. HAHA.

Chloe reached home after school and we started to take so many photos.
& what club is it? See the photos and you'll understand.


Tell me she looks good even in the most unglam faces.

So around evening; I went to JCube to meet Candy for dinner! ^^ (How's the spelling supposed to be?)
I was so happy I got KOI, I finally found someone else who prefers KOI more than Gong Cha ^^

Well we didn't take many photos cos all we did was chat and shop hehe. But I was so happy because I went near the skating ring.

I haven't got the chance to ice skate before. So being near it I already very happy lah can T.T

So here's another photo of us ^^


Loving this photo; it's been so long since I fooled around.

"Stop being so perfect in front of the camera because we all are no where near to it." 
I just thought of this quote while typing this so pro or what hahahaha.

E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Hahahahahas nice post; like the title!=)

I guess regarding the photo you took which you said look ah lian, sometimes I have some photos like that too, have no idea why either, but that might be because ah lian dress code are like everything also with shorts?=)Maybe this is the reason why bah.=)

Anyway Chloe reached home the Chloe not in bold &coloured hahahas.XDD triple C's marh!=)

And and the quote you ended with, I feel that it is true in a way, because many people, just like myself would want to take only the best shot they can &post it up, while the imperfect ones they will either delete it or keep it to themselves.=)

Unknown said...

Hahaha! Yea! Some more my hair is long and layered now hehehe. Where is the Chloe reach home? XD

Yeshyesh! But now I don't mind posting funny ones hehehe.

CandyAng said...

It is this paragraph:
"Chloe reached home after school and we started to take so many photos.
& what club is it? See the photos and you'll understand."

Just before the photo of you and her!=)Hahahas true!=DD

Unknown said...

Hahaha oh icic! hehe