Thursday, April 18, 2013

First day of School.

This gonna be another long ass huge wordy post of my life.

I have tones of folders in my computer to blog about and some are so way back like 2 weeks ago :(
But..... I just need to blog about my first day of school. IT'S JUST A MUST OK.

Let's see how I shall begin... IT RAINED. Oh yes it did heavily; but it drizzled when I was about to leave. I wasn't excited or happy as there were many familiar faces and many of us had mutual friends so it was quite cool :)

The only person I knew in my team was Min. Hahaha but I think it was quite boring, all not enthu one.
Why am I always the overly crazy one? Watch video also laugh but no one laugh. Paiseh ok.

So anyway; yesterday's module was Computer Animation. I'm totally afraid of this module; actually I'm afraid of all. LOL.
We only had to do a report on a criteria of something which was quite easy.

But there was something so memorable that happened lah!

Faci: Tell us your name and some unique about yourself.

Me: My name's Ellyne. No I have nothing unique.

Faci: Nothing unique?

Me: No, don't have hahaha.

Vivien(if i'm not wrong she's the girl beside me and I have stm): Her name, her name unique.


I duno I was just so touched. It's been awhile since someone complimented my name lah; plus we were like strangers but she dared to say that. Hais :')

Eating was the greatest shock of my life ok. To cut short my story; Candy and I bought biscuits from booklink for lunch.
RP Students should know why ok. This is dumb lah, eating was my greatest joy in RP.

I should totally stop here even though I could actually continue for another 10 minutes hehe.
Pinky promise that I'll settle down with all my stuff soon & get back to awesome blogging.

E says byebye!


trishie said...

Rainy days get me down too. And I agree - your names is very unique!

PS:I am hosting a Bits of Brit giveaway currently(open to Singapore residents only), so I really hope you will enter:

Unknown said...

Thanks babe! Okay I will go check it out :D