Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Mummy!


Did this card by myself and fyi; the yellow "sticker" looks like those typical ones but it's not!!!
it's a card that i just cut it into a shape of it(yellow sticker) and paste double sided tape + bending. 
just a simple card but she loves it. hehehe.

nearly out the whole day. was too tired to really dress up.

 but oh well; my OOTD.
yeah it looks kinda ugly here but it's really unique when you see it in real life.
i got it at Malaysia few years ago. like during secondary 3! and i still can wear it.
it's still in such a good condition! you can wear something so simple on top and tada--- BOOM.

i very hao lian one lorh.
first it's so cheap cos from Malaysia (around SGD 8-9) still got chain here and there.
second can keep so long and third i get attention!
i know.. i know... very bhb... :3

enough of me liao lah okay? the main star is supposed to be my mum. LOL!

went to Jurong Point Safra to have Japanese food! i forgot the full name but i remember it's beside Sakura.

not too bad. kinda cheap. $30++ for all these :O

headed home to bathe and get ready for dinner. i wore the same clothes.
took a photo of mummy's presents!

from left.
Flowers,card and silicon pouch from me.
Birthday card from Daddy.
Photo frame + card from Xiao yi.
Present (under Daddy's card) + Bday card from Bro.

i'm so jealous cos her gifts are mostly pink,purple and red! heeeeesh.

headed for Swensens' @ IMM for dinner.

amazingly this steak was good. it wasn't as nice last time ;)


went to have a walk and i'm finally home!

going to eat Mooncake together cos it's also mid-autumn festival! YAYY!

see this piggy?! so kawaii right. reminds me of Nanu. only the boy can understand that word. hahaha.
chandler made it with the help of us. so cuteee! ^^

that's all guys! Finally an awesome Sunday with so many photos and updates right?!

Have an awesome day!/night.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Who's mini early birthday celebration?

 by looking at this photo you would think that it's this boy's birthday.
with a super cute MOO MOO cake! * i love saying moo moo instead of cow like seriously*

but NO. it's my mummy's early birthday celebration! hehehe.
my xiao yi got the super super cute moo moo cake. 1 was not enough cos my family is HUGE.
okay; maybe our stomach are huge :/

the cake is so delicious! it's actually a Swiss roll type and there's so much Hokkaido cream in it!
some of you guys might dislike when i say "so much cream" but it's just so so good.
you'll never get bored of this cake!

went to TP early and bought Lao Ban from Clementi CityVibe before that.
super long queue but i'm so happy cos i haven't eaten it like a month or so! :')
checked pasta box to see how it was and saw my amazing-yet-irritating chef. keke.

spent the day there with my fav chandler and actually did a D-I-Y key chain together.
will upload the photo tomorrow!
haven't started doing my card for mummy. no creative juices for now; eyes super tired.

let the pictures do the talking aye? :)

Simple OOTD with RP top and black shorts.
and did i say i simply love my shoes? i guess some of you all have seen it already.
BUT. it's always gets the attraction from others whenever i wear it.

update tomorrow. BYEBYE!

Friday, September 28, 2012


sup guyszzz. no more angry post. tired ellyne here :(
it's going to be 10.30pm soon and my legs are super super super tired. so are my feet!

work was quite alright but was displeased with some stuff. guess it's gonna remain inside till i quit this job.
saw a cute little boy dancing gangnam style! LOL. like for few seconds only! VERY CUTEEE.

ended work and Shirleen QAD fetch me from work. so sweet right? LOL.
we went to lot 1 to get my present for my mum! her birthday is on the 30th! ^^
took damn long to decide on what to buy and my legs were so tired.
i didnt realise till i reached home; i can feel my legs aching alr :/

finally settled down home and i can't post the things i bought for my mum yet! hehe.
guess i'm going to sleep around 11; i'm so tired. hope i can get to sleep soundly.

update either tmr or sunday. byebye!


yes it's my morning face.


I'M PISSED. and it's 10.40am now. how awesome is my morning?

the reason why i'm blogging it and not ranting on Facebook is because i'm controlling.
not going to type out any names here. i only say out names to the ONE i really really hate.

i'm blogging cos i'm mad and i'm venting out my anger here. if you're offended; i'm sorry.
i'm just someone who speaks out everything inside me.

I indirectly found a job for you; but you can't rely on me and ask me what's the pay etc. you have to ask it yourself.
It's not like I've known you for a short while and i know i always had to remind you stuff during class.
and for god's sake it's YOUR JOB. why? why piss me off in the morning?

7 notifications on Facebook and read through comments.
others say us weird it's okay; then when i said that ALL of us were unique; you put in on me?

yeah i know i might seem childish or something but i fucking fucking hate people who disturbs me before me disturbing them.
i don't touch you; you don't come molesting me first. ain't that right?
jokes are jokes, but you already made me pissed before that. so too bad.

and WOW; telling me i lost? is that some kind of joke that i'm supposed to tickle myself before that?
hey hey, Ellyne doesn't admit defeat easily okay? and come on it's just a status.
if you want to win. well go ahead. achievement for you? *claps*

tell me. someone tell me why Friday has to be like this.

Gonna go play some games or watch a movie or something to cool down.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


 Day 2 of pretty hair! i swear this is so amazing i don't feel like bathing for work T.T
but i guess i'm gonna head to bathe first before continue typing.......

and i'm back! hehe. so lame right. i know. but i really had to bathe ._.

work yesterday was quite slacky; wasn't feeling too well (having headaches frequently)
i was the only girl so the other two guys always helped me ^^
i know i've been complaining being unwell and its true! :( its either giddy; headache or migraines.

going to work in an hours time and hope time will past quickly and till tmr!
then i'll finally have 3 free rest days :P

nothing much to update but just to spam some photos of myself. hehehe.

many interesting posts ideas in my mind but work has been tiring the shit out of me.
update tmr :)

byebye ^_^

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pretty pretty.

Today my hair like super pretty please :3
bad part is i'm going to bathe soon for work -_-
*always like this one*

woke up with feeling unwell but have to go work for my money :'(
tetris-ed and sim-ed the whole morning.
nothing much to update cos gonna work till friday~

update tmr. byebye! :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Busy Busy Yesterday.

Outfit for yesterday :)

i had a photo of Joshua but it's not right to post it cos he's doing something inappropriate -_-
don't think wrongly! he should know what i mean~

yesterday was a super long and tiring day for me.
woke up and helped the boy do some stuff for his trip and woke up texting so many peoplezxc!
supposed to meet John and Firda to collect my baseball jacket! *squeals*
supposed to meet CH,XH and the rest and not sure if i can make it at night/afternoon. *which clashes with meeting John and Firda*
supposed to lepak at home but Shirleen QAD JIO ME OUT.

suddenly my monday has changed to a crazy one and i guess it's good? hehe.

took very long to plan out everything as my mind wasn't working so early in the morning *11 plus ahem*
decided to stay at home for lunch before meeting Shirleen and i asked Joshua along! ^^
met them at around 2.30pm at yew tee and went to some random block to slack and chat.

Joshua went home and we went to CCK around 4 plus to meet John and Firda.
it was a confusing moment cos i forgot what colour jacket i ordered. Up till now i don't know who made the orders wrong but i got mine correct.
John said his was too small and i thought it was a good thing for me. and guess what?


IT'S JUST NICE ONLY. worst is i haven't even button it yet.
and when i lift up my arms; the armpit part is tight!

and i guess the boy can't even wear it too! *sigh*

not going to mention the blog name or whatsoever but seriously i am pissed ._.

walked around at Lot 1 with Shirleen and went to the pet shop to look around.
decided to go to Shirleen's house to see her hammie! hehehehe ^^
i forgot to take photos cos it's just so cute and i really want to get one next time :'(

stayed at her house for about few hours till 7.30pm and headed to BPP to meet CH and the rest.
didn't really had dinner as i ate biscuits at Shirleen's house and drank coke at Mac.
felt unwell and went home around 9 plus.

Chat with the boy and slept around 12.

3 days of slack isn't doing any good to me cos i'm so lazy for work but i survived today! ^^

random photo for you all.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Maintain Monday.

Hello guys. really short update. like really really short one.
it's alr 10.30pm and i'm so friggin tiredddddd.. so many things to update but shall do it tmr okay?
feeling kinda emotional and dropped a few tears; but the strong ellyne will be back tmr!

Love ya guys :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

My first son who's 12 years younger than me.

Good night everyone! it's going to be 8pm while i'm typing this. LOL.
the photo above looks like i'm having lipstick O_O *but i look cute with me bunny teeth ay? :B*

the only thing i can blog about today was i bathed my doggy :/
no photos or whatsoever cos i stayed at home the whole day! and my shoulders are aching like mad.
stayed at home tetris-ing; audi-ing, youtube-ing; eating; stoning; sleeping; chatting.
sundays weren't supposed to be that boring :(

oh well. i think many people got a shock when reading the title. HAHA.
who's my son?! well...... he's my cousin! kekekekeke. and he's so kawaiiiii!!

yeah; that's my bro giving me a sign that he wants to be in the photos.

spent time with him yesterday and he's simply adorable.
i really really really want him to be my god-son! :'( i guess i'm too young for all these huh.

no work tmr; not sure if there's plans.
this shoulder ache is just making my mood worst.

worst is my plans can't involve money cos i've no money left. *will coins do?*
guess it's time to post something interesting (soon) to boost up my blog views. hehehe.

seeya tmr! ^.^

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Updates here and there.

Hello guys! It's going to be 11pm already! short update cos i'm super tired alr.

work yesterday was kind of boring as there's this new trainee who helped cleaned everything the day before.
somehow time flew past fast though.(tongue twister ftw)
feeling tired easily nowadays. hope i'll be able to cope with my work!

went to ah ma house today and had a great time with chloe and chandler! pics up tmr okays?
guess there's no plans for tmr. maybe going to bring erica out for a walk and bathe for her? :D

okay lahs; that's all for today. sorry for the last minute and short post. kekeke.


how many of you guys remember this? i used to draw it on my hands during sec 4.
it's a sign and there's a meaning to it. hahahaha.
only some people understand............
sounds so mysterious right! and i created it myself *proud*

goodnight! :D

Friday, September 21, 2012

1 year and 2 months.

Happy 1 year and 2 months babu. well that's if we're still together. haha.

no up to date photos cos i forgot to take when i was outside last night!
and my dad is currently in my room..... so i can't camwhore. LOL.

went to bpp to meet xiao hong and chiah hou after my dinner. reached there at like 8 plus. they reached at 8.30!
thought i could have some fun time chatting all these and that's when they said Joyce was coming. 
managed to control myself luhs; chat with ch and xh. then they went to play running man and i went home. hahahaha.

hope next time won't see her liao. god make my life so suay. long long one time can at night go out in the end see some people to make my night worst. and that's why i so sian diao until don't feel like taking photos -.-

going to work later but i've been having tummy pains :'( hope today do cleaning only so time past faster. hehe.

see this photo? we looked so happy and crappy. sigh. i miss those times. but at least i'm glad we're still friends.

Happy monthsary to my love. even though i know you won't be seeing this. hah.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cried not because of him; but another him.

morning lovely peeps~ :) slept at 12 last night and woke up at 9 plus.
why is it that i always try to sleep late but still wake up around the same time?!?! :'(

been trying to manage my emotions. how time flies; it's already thursday when i broke up on sunday.
Work yesterday was fine and time flew fast! Cleaned one whole row of goggles and didn't entertain many customers. *i rather do cleaning that entertaining them*

i actually typed this post during 11am and it's 3.30pm.

if you all seen my facebook post; yea.. my grandfather fell down and hit his head which bled so much.
i was all panicked and broke down so much. i don't think i should explain in detail here cos it makes me so mad and scared at the same time.
hands getting sticky while typing this. lol.

currently not working today cos i'm just too scared to do much. still trying to get hold of myself from all the blood and scary shit. i don't go downstairs for no reason anymore. *sigh*

guess i'm gonna stay home the whole of today trying to not shiver and think about blood ._.
watched Cars 2 on funshion just now. Gonna go watch more cartoons to calm myself down.
might be meeting xiao hong, chiah hou they all at night? thats if i am calmed down :'(

update tmr alright? love you peeps :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Important notice.

Hello guys~ it's 12.30pm now; woke up kinda late today. but i'm free to post!
woke up suddenly feeling so emotional; felt like crying but i'm still controlling my tears. it's the third day.

still receiving many words of encouragement on my breakup; some telling me to move on and some encouraging me to get him back. i know many of you guys want to know what really happened.
i'll blog it soon but not now; i'll share with you all when the time is right :)

going to work later and gonna do some stuff afterwards; might not be updating my facebook and all but i'll be online i guess.
feel free to give me a text if i'm not replying online. i have my own reasons :)

if i'm not gonna update tmr; please give some time. i promise i'll be back here soon!
and if you guys wanna meet up with me or talk; just give me a call or text.

hope to see you guys soon here okies? Love ya all :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How's 2nd single day?

eyyyy~ sexy ladyy~~ (plus all the humsum boyss~)

i see my view post has been increasingggg. is this break up increasing my popularity?! LOL.
typed this post in the afternoon but it's going to be 9pm nao T.T
crap happened during the afternoon. SO MUCH COMMOTION.

second day single; how's life? i'm still controlling my tears; got a feeling i'm gonna break down soon.
continued working today; legs are tired like madd. feet hurts :'(

okay lah actually nothing to update liao
i'm glad i have many friends around me supporting and cheering me up. i still can't get over the break up fully and i'm deeply hurt inside. but i still love my boy as much and i will GET HIM BACK!

no edits on my face cos the lighting was so awesome while working. hehes.

update tmr lah okays?

Monday, September 17, 2012


afternoon babes and hunks~ i started typing this post at 12:00pm sharp :O
i guess many of you all should know that i'm single now. and my blog views yesterday shot up to 112?
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee. happy or weird? hahahaha.

thanks to those who asked if i'm alright and came by my side immediately when i needed someone.
trying to tell myself that things are okay and i have to be strong and move on. wish the best for the boy too.
i know i don't seem too happy in my photos; but still i'll try to be strong kay?
give me some credit for taking at least 3 photos and editing them still!

woke up super early today (6.30am!) as i had appointment and went NUH. Super sleepy now but don't even have the mood to sleep :/
Dad dropped me off at Dover MRT and went home.

might have plans for later; not too sure. i have the urge to drink and club already. but.............. T.T

okay lahs. those kpo peeps(just jk) or whoever want to know what happen can just ask me direct.
i'm fine; eye a little swollen, but time heals everything right? :)

shall do another post/update soon! :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Two lovely babies.

Good afternoon people! it's lunch time already gosh.

shall not have an emotional post today because i had a little fun last night over at xiao yi's house!
i was the one and only Jie Jie there but had two lovely babies to accompany me :D

the two C's; Chloe and Chandler! played with them from 7pm till 11/12. phewwws.
Chandler made so much noises and he listens to me whenever i tell him to do or not to do sth.
his sign language improved alot and i don't even understand some things he was saying! DAMN CUTE.
i'm gonna learn sign language on youtube later already. LOL.

took some funny videos of Chandler and Chloe; gonna upload it on facebook later.
brings you so much joy and laughter!

drank wine and was super giddy but the feeling was awesome :O
had a good nights sleep and woke up at 10.30! still feeling a little tired though.

decided to stay at home today and countdown till night time to wait for the boy to online! ^^
guess there's nothing much to update. so i'll just end another "drunk" photo of me last night. LOL.

update tmr kay? bye lovely readers~

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I do miss her.

wassup peopleeeeeeeee.
i'm getting addicted to edit photos by changing the lighting! face been breaking out lately T.T
my face complexion look so nice in photos right?! LOL (real life cmi)

yesterday wasn't very good after awhile; worst was when the boy prepaid has not much left so he can only text me at least thrice per day...
found out somethings about someone who was once so close to me; and i think i'm the last to know among the rest? somehow; somewhen(wtf); i think i already found out but ignored it or something.

don't think wrongly my dear readers; it's a SHE. and I've never felt so emotional because of another girl.
i guess most people who read would know who; and most people who are closer to me might know that i've not been contacting that girl since we graduated from GRSS.

knowing that she's in a CCA that she loves; having a boyfriend which i hope would treat her best compared to her other ex's; and yea. having twitter. am i really the last to know?

don't know if she still remembers me or think of me once in awhile but i do really miss her.
it's like i despise yet miss her. sweet and sour feeling i guess. i know in my heart i would never let go of everything so easily but i still miss her. after all; she's the first girl i got so close to, having heart to heart talks and going crazy especially during the lower sec times.

and it's because of her that i never ever had the confidence to find another female best friend. i'm not blaming her fully and i know i have my faults too. i guess i don't have the confidence of finding another true friendship. and that's when my boy came to save my life <3 p="p">
maybe all the more because of this; I've decided to hang out even more with guys and not get too close with girls. which is a tough thing for me as i'm attached and i have rules to abide.

the only best friend i have now is my boy; and he is also my best boyfriend.

i don't know what will happen to me when i lose him....

FINALLY. i let out all my thoughts. feeling much better today. and tmr can webcam with the boy.
another photo of me before i end lah okay?

byebye! ^^