Tuesday, December 27, 2011

HELLO GUYS! many rage posts and i haven't been updating! >:(
was i lazy? CMON LAH NO! LOLOL. i've been busy like seriouslyyyyyy.
my last update was 20th right? so let's start from 21st! ^^

so in the morning chloe came to my house and we went to bpp cos i needed to buy christmas present for gift exchange! plus for my art outing gift exchange too ^^

reached home and crapped alot. she played with my ipad and i used the com hehe.
i wanted to blog but i think i watched youtube videos like for how long :/

tada! she didn't know i took it hehe. cos i'm bored and i stalk people :F
wasnt really a good night and i'm so lazy to say lah can ><

chandler and family came to our house to fetch chloe! HE IS SO CUTE!
he is making noises here and there which means he can hear! SO HAPPY!!

23rd afternoon went out with him to watch movie~ Alvin and the chipmunks! ^^
super cute okay. it's the best among all 3! like duh (:

went to jp and meet my lovely art family! was super cold and me no bring jacket~
then i asked jun sheng (js) if he's joining us or wad and he nodded his head. LOLOL.
he was super shy! i didnt even disturb him so much and his face like forever shy and red. hehe.

went to science centre and was drizzling but i didnt use umbrella cos clarie dono how hold. LOL
decided to just walk and was afraid of those cars splashing water, scream like a crazy girl~
dinner was at sakura! i'm so sorry i'm a freak and i ate for 2 hours plus :/
even those boys stopped eating alr. i still feel so ps! LOL.

okay lah enough words here's a photo! ^^

there was a gift exchange and i got js's! i really wanted his when i saw the wrapping cos i knew it was a soft toy. LOL!! and i really got it! XD wonderful start for my christmas or wad HAHA.

went to chinese garden and slack slack, laughed like so many times all thanks to clarie and ch!
reached home around 11 and i immediately opened my present again cos i'm still so happy! LOL.

saw a present on my table and it wrote to elizabell-e and from santa. LOL
i knew it was my bro lah! and he kept denying LMAO.
i didnt take a photo of the present cos i was texting him about all the fun and chatting with my bro.
it was a polaroid film! ^^

i dono why i said i got no time but i still have the time to take photo with this "Brave Turtle" LOL!
IT'S SO CUTE RIGHT! really damn happy when i see it!

24th i went to work in the morning till 4 plus, went to aunt house to sleep!
js called me LOL. he heard my whines :/ so shyyyy and ps.
slacked at their house till midnight!

photos are at my facebook but i'll show some here! ^^

me and the presents for gift exchange!

foreveralone. hehe.

camwhore camwhore!

somehow i love this picture O.O

eric sleeping off! LOL. it's not even midnight!

logcake! YUM YUM :D


otw to orchard! FOAM PARTY!!!

only took one photo of the lightings.
it's just amazing!

gift exchange time!
and i got..................


and i tried but it kinda failed :(

all my christmas presents and ang baos so far! XD

WILL UPDATE SOON! ( i dono when) LOL.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

i am mad pissed now. and this post is going to be all words + VULGAR.

gonna talk about 2 things that i'm pissed about NOW.


normally the people who organize things are the ones that are the most mad and pek chek people,
and i know how it feels cos i've organized some things and been a leader before since young.
BUT NOW?! gosh it's the fucking opposite. i'm having a gathering on the 23rd and i dont wish to say it now and no names shall be said here.

i'm posting this not only for that particular organizer but to all those people out there.

-when you want to start something, please number make sure that you have everyones contact and that each and everyone of them know what is going on.

- even a dinner place, dont just give the mrt or place name. give the freaking restaurant/eating place name! even though we're meeting and going there together, at least say right? unless it's a surprise but people need to know where they're going right?
what if someone ask where you're going and you say you dont know. how stupid can we sound? gosh.

-and please dont keep changing the plans cos not only you but the rest have their own schedules too, some may book the whole day just for this it's fine, but some people have other things on the same day! plus, people will get confused because you keep fucking changing the stupid plan.
just stick to one and make sure everyone agrees with it.

-when you want to change sth or inform sth, please tell EVERYONE. and i mean EVERYONE. not like 1 or 2 to ask them about the change then not telling the rest.

-RESPONSIBILITY. DON'T YOU HAVE IT?! or common sense?! at least i know this even though i alr have low common sense..

-when someone asks you sth, PLEASE GET BACK TO IT ASAP. dont drag or anything. try to make sure everyone is good and happy with the plans and that they know what they're doing.
people WILL get unhappy and will spoil the gathering.

- if someone doesnt reply you, please call them or do anything to make sure they are okay with the plan. it is tough but if you are the one in charge, please fucking put in the fucking effort despite all the tiredness alright? RESPONSIBILITY PLEASE.


dont think being the one not in charge means you can do anything you like. everyone is important to make something work. not only one can do everything. SO PLEASE!

- when the organizer texts you, PLEASE REPLY ASAP. if you need to think twice or need to plan first, AT LEAST INFORM THEM! and dont drag things, faster try to confirm if you can or not. but dont be in a hurry that you last minute cannot make it. IT SPOILS EVERYTHING.

- if you suddenly cannot make it, PLEASE TELL EVERYONE ASAP. INCLUDING THE ORGANIZER. this is to show the sincerity that you couldnt make it! BASIC MANNERS CAN?!

okay that's all. I AM STILL MAD.
this was how i looked last night when i reached home from work.

this is how i look now! gosh i look so much better. ikr i am super shag.

monday was a long and stressful day for me, well not about work cos that was good (:
was just super tired on that day and my boss gave me coffee so i drank. i slept at 12 midnight which isnt even 12 plus cos i couldnt sleep at all :/

worst, morning i had to wake up at 8 cos i had the shop key with me and i was afraid chef would go to work early.
so i went, reached there at 9.30; prepared all my things and waited till 10.30!
i called my boss and he said he would call chef.
in the end boss came to work and be chef LOL. cos actual chef overslept!!

so i actually sat in the office and read my book for like an hour lmao.
work was alright. i dono why my chef is getting funnier each day. last time he was so serious lah!
thought my life was miserable hehehe.

work ended and i went to buy christmas gift exchange! LOL. for my family der. super weird to go to a men section :/ heheh.

now i'm home and blogging. chloe is coming to stay over for a night tmr! hope it will be a good day! (:

gonna bs lo. did you all missed me?! LOL........................................... foreveralone.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I came back from work, started browsing facebook and i see so many articles shared about smrt breakdown etc.

So many things i got to say and it's not enough within a Facebook status so i shall blog it here! ^^

things i want all readers to note before reading:

so it all started from a SMRT breakdown? and it stopped in the tunnel without electricity or anything whatsoever. i dont even know which line was it pardon me. hehe.
and some felt faint cos it was super stuffy and there was not enough air


yea and everyone has got to see this photo okay! people are alr editing it with funny stuff :o
so i dont know what's the discussion about this because i saw an article saying that that person who broke the glass for air shouldnt have done so?

no one knew this was about to happen, and there was no light at all plus no air! people would have got frightened and not knowing how long they would get trapped there; i think it isnt really wrong to do so.
one way was actually to tell each other to stop talking or making movement and noises which may help a little. what if they had to stay there for an hour or so? are you sure that really there isnt anyone that's gonna break the door glass sooner or later? ( or whatever you call it).


okay when i saw this photo i was really angry because of the words put in there.

SMRT doesnt always have major breakdowns, neither do we expect mistakes to happen. both parties were not ready for this AT ALL.
SMRT did not even want this to happen! i mean which popular transport company would want to purposely create a breakdown and let you all walk through the tunnel?
even if it was poorly handled, i believe there were passengers who got scared or angry and disobeyed their orders. am i right? i dont believe that everyone on board the "cursed" train would listen to every single instruction given.
and if it was poorly handled, try being the one in charge when nearly everyone is using that transport we use everyday? people start to scold,blame and criticize you WHILE you are trying to solve the whole problem.
unless that person is crazy and wants all of you to die, then this blog post won't even be here.


okay just a random photo i got where the passengers walked through the tunnel to get out.

ALL IN ALL..............







and if you've read till here, i know many of you all will say that "because i wasnt inside i wont know how they feel".
BUT! i would not complain about it after it has happened! what for? create more chaos and stress for SMRT? then later they make mistake again cos they also breakdown ah? tsk.

talk is cheap, but just saying (:

okay i'm gonna sleep soon.


Friday, December 16, 2011

hello people! no work today due to reasons :/ going out for awhile later so i'll update now?
actually not really. haha it's about the blog thing! i shall name it : LIKE AND I POST!
LOL! i name it without thinking eh, i just thought about it! and people are starting to like.
since i'm free i shall do more than one post.

so today it's my beloved belovedddddddddd Shirleen~
i call her QAD :D guess what's that? hahahaha.

i remember having photos with her but lost it cos it was in my another phone :(
so yeah i took this photo from fb. LOL.

we've been friends for 4 or 5 years? not sure we met when primary 5 or 6 LOL.
i was close with others but we talked sometimes and got closer when she sat vertically behind me? i think she still remembers! i hope so XD

slowly she came into our group and i was with Justin. *ahem* LOL. and yea justin kept disturbing her calling her "helmet head" HAHAHAHAHAHA.
and she kept complaining to me about him LOL.
we still kept in contact cos we had same chinese tuition for the few years.
thinking about this friendship, we didnt fight or argue at all since primary school O.O
how weird or awesome? LOL.
we had h2h talks about our ex too and updating each other whenever we meet,
this year we went to the same math tuition and we got really close again ^^

now that tuition has ended and most likely we wont have same tuition anymore :(
i hope we'll still meet each other with the rest ^^

goodluck with your N level results! must tell me about it okay?!
and last long with my qad-in-law! KEKEKE. <3

Thursday, December 15, 2011

sup guys~ second update today? cos i suddenly thought of doing something while i was bathing. LOL

as what my facebook status said~~~~ "Since the year is ending, i feel like starting something on my blog. I will blog about you if you like my status and if there's more than one like i will choose that unlucky or lucky person LOL. I will blog about what i used to think of that person, how close etc blah blah. NAISEEEE!" okay i dono why the font different but yeah that's what i said.

and please people if you dont know me what for bother liking that status? -.-

and so i'm bored dying due to blackshot i decided to come here! ^^

guess who liked that status? HAIRUDINNNNNNNNNNN. LOL. i call him Hai :D

there! as you can see the tee shirt, Dancer. i knew him since sec 1 when we both joined dance.
since there were only 2 guys in dance including him. i definitely remember all those memories with him ^^

we weren't so close when we were sec 1 cos i was anti social as always~~~~~~~
i forgot when we started to get close but i know he is one guy that loves to immitate me and desiree which makes me laugh and wanna smack him always. his laughter is super contagious!
he was like the super flexible guy that could do splits when many people still couldnt heh.

he's a really super understanding guy and has a target in everything. which is dance! well that's what we mostly talk about lah heh.
we had to do a dance for the new greenridgeans and he was with us making jokes and laughing at those sec ones XD

the best time was when we had our first SYF! he had to do all those stunts which really amazed me cos he really strived hard for it. we practiced so hard together and always got pissed with some people who couldnt count the steps properly. we have many similarities (: i remember when i didnt dance the last part of the actual SYF dance i cried so much and he was there for me.

i kinda miss dance and miss him! we never got to talk much this year :(

oh well good luck next year in whatever you do Hai! i know you want a Dancer career so badly and i will support you always ^^ hope to see you famous soon! HAHA.

hellow guys! i forgot when was my last update? :o
all i know is that i'm home home! no work. doctor appointment changed -_-
should have work? haha nvm.

i dreamt of him last night gosh. it was a bad dream.
and it wasnt a really dream because it was like the day we broke up.
the things he said were about the same. thank god i didnt wake up crying or anything.
i'm fine (:

played bs weeee~ cant say i'm getting better but i'm not getting shocked when i die thats all. LOL.
chloe is coming to stay at my house for 1 night!

now watching xfactor on youtube then maybe bs?
met wesley at yew tee just now to get audition file, but too bad it couldnt work wth.
was praying so hard! someone help me :(
met daron! HAHA. damn cute or what? like meeting all my tuition peeps.

feeling sick but i ate mac :/ still have work tmr!

sian gonna go bs soon~

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

currently listening to 987fm~ Peacock-cock~ LOL.

i'm much much better today i guess, as you can see i'm wearing outside clothes!
going to toa payoh to pray, gong gong death anni (:
gonna meet all my lovely cousins~ hehe. stay there and have dinner at sizzler i guess o.o

talked to so many people yesterday. which kinda made my thoughts go away.
well there's just up and downs of me so i'm alright now ^^

last night was scary can, i freaked myself out.
i lost temper and started scolding my friend. with alot of vulgar gosh.

I'M SO SORRY OKAY JOSHUA!!! even though you wont see this ._.

so.... yeah. update at night? or tmr? i'm working tmr so not sure haha.


Monday, December 12, 2011

hello people, my face is so pale gosh.
i cried so much just now but i guess i'm better now.

I AM MOODY. bye.
i'm super emo today because i'm at home with nothing to do.
and i think alot especially thinking about the past.
i didnt text you in the morning, i guess you thought i was sleeping. but no i woke up at 8.30 like the usual. i just didnt text you.

while typing this, i'm going to cry anytime. i just cant control all these emotions. it's really making me so depressed inside.
so many people have told me to give up, but why am i the only one still holding on?
you say you wanna break cos you feel uncomfortable. but now when we break, things between us are further apart. dont you get it why i dont wanna break with you yet?
you promised, i hope you still remember.

i keep thinking about the past, how much you loved me and all.
why is it that someone can love you so much and all of a sudden they say they have no more feelings for you?
remember how jealous u got when i talked and played around with other guys?
remember how much you cried when i rejected you more than once?
remember how u said sorry to me cos you lost your temper cos you were jealous?
remember how sweet both of us were even though we were not in an open relationship?
remember how you tried not to smoke because i told you not to?
remember how you saved money because i influenced you to?
remember all those sweet goodnight msgs i saved but now it's gone cos my phone spoilt?
i wonder if you still save them..
remember all those happy moments we had when talking on the phone late at night?

do you remember all those nice memories?
i dont want to keep thinking about the past, i want all these to happen again in future.
my future has you in it, you hear me? i want you in my life.
because i love you, and no one can ever replace you.

even if you dont accept me, i wont accept others.
not anymore. because there's only 1 you in the world
and i love you for who you are.

please try to get your feelings back... i'm the only one believing in you...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

sup guys. emo post. alot of words.

i've been thinking alot lately, like ever since i didnt really have the mood to blog that much.
watching videos, shows,working just to keep my thoughts away. but truth is, it just keeps bugging me.
and yes particularly about him, about us.

we've been working and we didnt really talk much at all,
when you go for work, i wake up to text you just for awhile.
after you work, i wait for you to end and sometimes even wait till midnight so we could text a little before u sleep.
and the whole cycle repeats everyday.
when i make plans to meet you, you always cannot make it.
why? why is it that after all the trying, nothing good happens?
am i the one thinking too much? expecting too much?
if you want your feelings to be back, why cant i feel like you're trying?
is it because of your work? that i can understand.
but when you're free, you play games and never took the time we both had for each other.
i push other things aside just to make sure i never lose that chance when you're free.
am i the problem? is this all my fault?

i'm afraid. i'm afraid of this coming new year. i dont want my birthday.
because i will know the answer from you. i'm still trying, even though i'm here complaining and ranting, i will still try.
i hope you will, i wish you would use your chance to meet me.
because if i never initiate all these, i dont think you will.
should i try not to talk to you for 1 or 2 days? to see if you will talk to me?
i really dont know, i want to try. but to me; 1 day is alot to me. because every second with you counts.
i hope things will get better, and that it is better now. i dont wish to ruin things.
i'm sorry but this is bugging me for few days.

i just hope you understand how i feel sometimes,
and i wanna know how you feel too.

I still love you my friend, i miss you alot. i miss webcamming, i miss chatting on msn, i miss those late night phone calls, i miss meeting you to have fun. can i have all those at least by this year?
i'm going to cry and break down now so i'll just stop here.

nights people, blog soon.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

no motivation to blog recently. lazy, tired, moody? maybe but youtube is my distraction hehe.
been watching alot of youtube videos if u all see my fb. if not just stoning infront of the lappy i dono why. i feel like it's a dream everyday ._.

i guess my blog views are lesser too and there's nothing much to blog about since i'm working.

am i meeting you tonight? you never even talk to me much since morning till now.
i guess not, even thought i'll still ask you later.

and sorry for the short little post. i'm just updating to show you all MY FACE.

Friday, December 9, 2011

hello people! it's like 10.42 am now. and i'm super lazy to blog :/
hehe but i'm listening to music now so i guess i have more motivation to blog :P

yesterday was a super tiring day i dono why, and my eye keeps tearing cos been rubbing it since last night :( no more rubbing! ( sounds so wrong LOL)

work yesterday was super sian cos there was only 9 or 10 people during my shift?!
super sian and my boss was the chef hahaha. it's more fun with him than chef cos he doesnt joke :(
afternoon i went out and gave out the brochures thingy. LOL. like fun only!
3 plus clarie came to find me then did nothing much.
4 plus homed and took a nap till dinner. after dinner bathe then youtube xfactor all the way!

waited for his text at night. even though its always for awhile, i'm more than happy.
i miss you alot... :/

gonna bathe for erica later then bathe myself then prepare go work lo ^^

Thursday, December 8, 2011

hello people! i am so lazy to blog cos i'm tired and catching up on youtube videos.
my current fav photo above ^^

one thing i'm happy about?
i got my name badge! LOL. ikr to some people is nothing, but it's like my first badge (:

okay i will blog tmr morning. sorry for the laziness :P

i miss you boy, it's the 9th day since we broke up...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

i look super unglam and i am super tired today like as if i worked for the whole day.

working tmr from 10am to 4pm so please support me! hehe. especially during afternoon cos there's no one and i get bored and sleepy LOL.

okay update tmr morning or night maybe? gonna sleep soon nights.!

hey boy,thanks alot but you sounded so angry i dont know if you helped me willingly.
but still, thanks alot.

hello guys! it's 11.16 am. LOL. i didnt blog yesterday night~ ( see fb)
reached home last night at 11.30 plus. i ended work at 10.30 plus but i was intending to wait for him at lot 1 but he was very tired after his work so i went home :/
well at least i tried meeting him (:

work was awesome! it's a tough job but i love it i dono why.
and the photos above is my uniform! so now you all know where i work ey?
there's only 2 outlets in sg, so go and guess which one i go to LOL.

went there early but boss all was late so i wait there and text clarie hahahaaha.
while waiting i saw this guy that kept walking around the whole mall and i guessed he also worked there ._.
and i was right! he's the chef LOL. he look super blur der but he work like a boss okay! LOL.

There was this woman called Phoebe?
1) i didnt know she was pregnant till she sat down
2) i didnt know she was even married cos she looks freaking young

she's a really patient trainer leh, like seriously. but she's from china and i have to speak chinese all the way ._. which was super pek chek for me so all the time i kept quiet unless i had questions. cos it's just so difficult to translate to chinese! LOL. :(

starting had to learn to set up the shop etc, which was kinda busy and i was kinda scared i dono why :/ so many things to do plus counting money which was my freaking weakness LOL.
Phoebe taught me alot of things and she was really patient with me, unlike others who always so pek chek. who wont pek chek when teaching me derh? LOL. she can tahan me leh! ^^

afternoon time was super boring cos there was so little people. i couldnt use phone, couldnt do other things and i wanted to sleep off -.- chef also sian diao LOL.

clarie came to find me in the morning or afternoon i guess but at that time i was either busy or having customers :( but i'm gonna find her later! HAHA.

night time had more customers and was super funny cos there was a group of "ah lians and ah bengs" and they were like what younger than me? LOL. i kept laughing and smiling cos i find it super immature and that someday they will grow up to regret. yes they're funny and all but dont be so vulgar, smoke and tio daiji. you will laugh at yourself next time! LOL.

and then i served them i totally changed the way i talk so i could like " communicate" with them LOL. my chef was laughing i dono why, maybe cos he thought i was a super good girl? ^^ HAHAHAH.

my family went there to support me too! LOL. super happy luh and my bro always um chio like wad only. make me ps LOL.

so many things happen but all in all i really love my job. i feel like i'm there for more than a day alr! and I love my bosses hehe ^^

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

morning people! it's 8.02 am :( so early ikr.
woke up at 7.30 cos i have work today!
i waited for him last night when he ended work but i couldnt tahan and slept at 12 :/
gonna bathe, eat then leave house lo. i'm still super stoned so there's nothing to type o.o

so.... yeah. if i'm tired when i come home i wont update till tmr.
work is from 10am-10pm so my fb will be super quiet right! LOL.

and those who are bored. check out

he's kinda funny and his voice is kinda good. aged 24? 1988 lah~

byebye ^^

Monday, December 5, 2011

Things i got from my USA trip!

not here to hao lian but just to share my joy and show you all what cheap stuff you can get from USA (:
if you think i'm showing off, please get lost (:

COACH WRISTLET! is it even the correct spelling? LOL.
this was from the factory outlets and its freaking cheap okay?!
bought it for $49 or sth and there's still 30%!
proud to say, its the last one there. last silver!
awesome not?! :D
one more photo to hao lian :P jkjk

this is sorta my early birthday present cos Gucci isnt as cheap in USA
all along i wanted a Gucci wallet like this but the designs there werent much.
this is good cos it's half with the design and half without.
havent used it yet due to reasons (:

if you've seen my facebook photos. got this from disneyland!
you tell me i happy anot?! i always see other people going to disneyland and buying this.
i should have bought mickey one since i'm so tom boyish LOL.

mum bought some of these bookmarks and so i took one!
it's freaking 3D! reminds me of Jacob Black HEHE.

happiest buys, starbucks waterbottle!
$12 plus and kinda ex. but the design is so cute! and my parents agreed so why not :D

got this from fransisco. didnt expect to buy an art piece but i'm really loving this painting.
even though it's not from a super awesome painter i still love how he paints it.
it costs $15! he sold it near the roads but i'm really glad i got it ^^

last but not least.... CLOTHING!
Nike, San Fransisco, Polo and Levi's
i swear Levi's is so cheap and the store is freaking huge.
the others are so so (:

not to forget! i got an Adidas watch and GAP jacket.
those two are good bargains too just that i didnt take photo of those!
go to my facebook and all my photos are uploaded like finally hehe.

sorry for the long and delayed post.
to people who know what happened to me :(
good morning people! it's 10.22am now ^^
i'm much better today, yesterday was just mad.....
he's working today onwards so i guess lesser talking :(
but i'm still trying and never gonna give up ^^
i'm working tmr! and saturday. like 2 days only lmao.
so i'm gonna stay home the whole day today hehe.
gonna watch alot of shows, upload photos on fb blah blah.

so yea. nothing much to blog today also. who want come my house slack also can LOL.
i'm just not going to go out :P
