Friday, September 6, 2013

Early First Month Celebration PART 2

It's Part 2 of First Monthsy Celebration! Oh oh and today's our actual first month hehehe ^^
Haven't had the internet since morning and I'm finally cuddled up at home (11pm) while blogging, feels good to be here!


Our second destination which Hubz surprised me with hehehe. There were cute little kites flying when we were reaching! There was a green monster inc one too cute!

Excitement level: Infinite.

We haz so much swag. and we look like brother and sisters heeeeeeeeee.
do you think so? :)

Magnificent view and I can't believe I went to those little buildings in front of MBS. They look so beautiful from afar <3 p="">

Hubz looking kewt *.*

One does not simply forget to take selfies.

Duck faces to irritate you guys.

Favourite type of clouds ^^

If you look closely to the left of the two photos above, there's a film set-up there and they gave the BEST DRAMA EVER.

- We doubt they even have a permit to film there.
- They didn't let others cross their own "borders" and told people / joggers to stop walking to that area.
- Some people did not give a fuck (continue walking wherever they want to) and it was too funny.

& yep, our self shots always have a story behind it. get it? got that? no? no.........

Coupleception, look at the story behind us! Kay wait this isn't funny anymore :(

Tried taking photos during sun-set with an effect with my camera and it looked so beautiful ohmo :>

If only Hubz face was nicer, the picture would look so perfect! (maybe it's just me liking the angle of my face)




Okay that's it, stahp.

Taking a selfie and Hubz farted small gas heh.

His small gas face plus my sa jiao face LOLOL

Taken by the Hubz hehe ^^ Why's he so cute whywhywhy.

Did chu see a poodle?! :D

It was getting dark and we decided to head home!


Even though the day has ended and 5th has ended too (it's 12.01am now wtf I take so long to blog), I'm really happy throughout the entire month since we got together.
You've planned the day and tried to make me happy everyday and I'm so grateful and thankful for meeting you 4 months back.

Thank you for giving me hopes in love and ourselves, & all the mini-surprises that you've given me. Controlling all the crankiness that I've been having and also protecting me when I'm tired / sick.

All the stupid things we do have made this love so simple yet romantic and sweet. I've cried twice due to so much happiness and I'm just too speechless... to even continue this..

There'll be many more months to celebrate till the day that forever ends.. and everyday's a celebration because I've met you.

I love you Hubz.


CandyAng said...

Am touched! Seriously super happy for you ellyne!^.^ I like all the photos taken for the sceneries, the weather was so good that day!^.^ btw one of the photo which you stated unglam OMG is actually not bad and nice at that angle!=) *candid shot*

Btw ellyne I LOVE your current hair, so nice!>< XDDD And and I always wanted to go to Marina Barrage but no chance.=(

Anw do let this sweetness stay in this r/s!=)
Hope to meet up soon!=)
Take cares~

CandyAng said...

*Add on: your tagline really...hahahahas "one does not simply forget to take selfies" hahahas XDD

Unknown said...

Hahaha my current hair is near to the longest I ever had! Still wondering if I should trim shorter or continue this length!

CandyAng said...

Continue the length!!!!=DDD My gosh so nice needa camwhore together first hahahahas.XDDDDDDDDd

Unknown said...

HAHA okay! I think I shall just trim it then try to keep as long as possible :D

CandyAng said...

Yay okies lols...=)