Sunday, June 1, 2014

Exercising and then losing $6 for a cab which could buy a tee from the pasar malam you know?!

Happy end of the weekends! I can't believe the weekends are over and I did NOTHING. Practically spent the whole of yesterday sleeping I felt sooo tired obviously I didn't plan to blog because my life's been too unproductive. However I did go back to exercising last night and surprisingly my legs muscles don't ache as much anymore! I'm wondering if I did it right and proper because it would normally burn like crazy but if not then hooray my thighs are improving :)

I didn't wanna blog today as well because I thought it would be stay home Sunday doing nothing again but hey at least here's something? 

I realize I have a thing for morning selfies on the bed. I know many people look stupid and conked out when their awake INCLUDING ME but somehow I look "better" and I kinda like them.....? I don't know haha. I felt so stoned once I woke and told myself "fuck this it's gonna be a stoned day again" BUTTTTT I did a mini sketch of a tattoo. Wasn't too good because my pencil lead's somehow messed up and I was in a hurry to jog!

Jogging was actually quite bad because my stamina dropped so much but surprisingly I perspired like crazy I think it was the weather. My legs finally feel the pain I know it sounds crazy but feeling the cringe = legit muscle burn ok? HAHAHA

I also craved Starbucks and cheesecake really bad but I'm trying to save up all of a sudden (because I will go crazy when my pay is here) so I suddenly changed my cravings to cheese fries .-. Dinner was really filling because my maid cooked so much + cheese fries + my substitute of Starbucks LOL

SO FULL YOU KNOW. Yes my substitute was bubble tea hehehe. I ate at 8pm and I've been food coma-ing till now 11.20pm. I can't go to bed and sleep because I'm all sticky from the exercising and I've not bathed yet AND I have to wake up early like 6-ish to settle some shits that been happening. I MIGHT just not bathe and plonk after this........ I'm that dirty ok don't judge come on I know some of you people... ok what nevermind it's just me ok? HAHAHA

Sooooo anyway, tomorrow's shopping day because I really wanna get some stuff for myself and there's a pasar malam at Yew Tee I didn't know which have some awesome cheap clothes I wanna go and snatch ok. & aunty me decided to walk around for a short while just now that resulted in a heavy rain after so I had to take a cab home -.- $6 GONE I COULD HAVE BOUGHT A SHIRT AT THE PASAR MALAM OK.

But it was raining quite heavily and my dinner was waiting for me I would have fainted from hunger lol. & I started cursing people in my heads who are walking so slowly or hitting me unknowingly so anger but I think my hormones are the one scolding hehe ok bye.

e says bye!

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