Saturday, June 21, 2014

Throwback to last year.

HI! My life has been so geeky and boring because I've been doing nothing other than working and watching X-Men. Yes I'm a crazy fanatic of it now and nothing can stop me when I'm addicted to shows or movies. It's like you're trapped in some illusion and you only wake up when it's over, or when the movie's over. 

I've been trying to do take photos of my haul and clothes I bought weeks back but the days are so warm I just can't do it. Some days when their meant to be productive I end up waking up late and watch movies the entire day. How to know if  you're an introvert? You just shut yourself at home after days of going out and just want to snuggle up in your room doing what you love. 

I guess I'll try being productive again tomorrow but since I have nothing interesting to really talk about I just thought of showing some stuff I did last year. (This blog wasn't as famous so yes here's my chance HAHA)
I can't believe it's been a year and I remember clearly from some photos that I was so heartbroken at that time due to a dude who dumped me or something but taking photos kept me happy, and busy hahaha.

Can I also say that I'm a total amateur at this and I was experimenting with colour editing so no judgey please hehe.

Okay picture time I'll see you next time ;)

Last but not least here's a photo of me 2 years back. Why do I feel so ugly looking at this I miss my short fringe and hair already I looked sooo young and pretty! :(


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