Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Hi. Awkward pose over here. I'm so bummed out by my aching leg muscles but here's a blog post! I actually felt really productive on a proper blog post yesterday but I don't know what I did or what during the night & I basically have very little memory of yesterday. But anyways, if you're on my instagram you wouldn't even need to read today's post because it's nearly the same of everything except in detail and more stuff...? LOL.

As I said I really recalled very little things I did yesterday and I can't even remember much about work or any funny things that really happened. But here's a picture I still laugh when I look at it...

I introduce my "handsome" chef. HAHAHAHA. Fucking funny it was the starting of the month so I needed a new punch card (is that what they call it). I copied the same info as my previous that my boss wrote then when my chef saw it he said "oh just see mine, see the remarks".

I knew it was going to be the same so I ignored it at first and after I wrote finish I saw it and burst out laughing. His reply was "what? remarks what. i'm handsome". I LAUGHED SO LOUD AND MUCH. What's even better was after that he said "see the position", I LAUGHED EVEN MORE. I really don't know how he handles all these self-entertainment himself but he is definitely my kind of chef. If you get what I mean huehue.

Work was done with and I was craving avocado lately so I got this! There was an old boob joke that I recalled about avocados but I'm too lazy to re-type so just go to my instagram @ellynelizabelle to see! I might get it again tomorrow it's too delicious I don't get why people don't like healthy stuff is it just me....

OKAY. Essay time. I know this is so repeated on instagram but I HAVE to post this here again.


I met a customer who was close with my chef and I knew him through his tattoos that my chef showed me. (which is really cool I love it so much btw) He was really sociable and started asking about me and asked me if I was interested to work in his company as we were in the same type of design industry. I was really interested and he gave me his card as well and then he said "you can send me your resume and stuff. plus you speak good english so that's good to begin with".

WHAT? Was that really a compliment? LOL. No I'm not boasting because honestly no one has ever come to me and said "your english is really good". TALK ABOUT PROPER?! I am one of the most vulgar lahlehlorh girl you ever meet. But anywho, his english was way better than mine and even though I think he's a Singaporean he has that fluent ang moh accent. Like an ABC you know? and of course when you meet someone who speaks proper you would normally reply proper too right? I don't know, maybe it's just this "accent" I have when I first speak to strangers you know. PS he's really attractive thou.... x)


I ended work yesterday and went to the bus stop for my bus (duh). A Singaporean older man about 35-50 years old approached me in chinese asking the way to go to the MRT. I replied back in chinese and after that he started chatting with me (which I felt really awkward because I'm not someone who even says hi to strangers). All of a sudden we just conversed in english and he was surprised that I was a Singaporean. LOL. Firstly because he said I spoke chinese with an ang moh accent which sounded nice and secondly I look mixed or non-singaporean.

YES I know my chinese is really funny but does it sound nice? Really? LOL. Secondary school times were the moments I didn't dare to even speak chinese because my classmates would disturb me. And do I look mixed? Or non-singaporean? I remember when I was much younger some strangers thought I was malay due to my tan skin (I used to swim alot) but as I grew older I was the "typical chinese girl".

Different angles for you to see. So do I look mixed? Or not Singaporean? HAHAHA it's really funny conversing with different types of people especially in the business industry. They really look at you differently. and those photos were taken yesterday yes I wore the same tank-top as today don't judge I'm sorry for not changing clothes LOL.

Today was a FUUUUUUUUUUUCKED up start of the day. I realized my maid threw away something from my room without informing or asking permission and she actually did it on Sunday which I only realized today. then I also realized that Sunday I was home the entire day so it means she just fucking like threw on the go. THINKING ABOUT IT I CANNOT. But also when she apologized to me I just said it's okay or something like that inside I was like WTFAREYOUSERIOUSYOUFINEITBACKOKYOUFINDSEMBCORPANDTAKEITBACK but yes if you're wondering what it is I'll show it next time because I'm too lazy to take a photo now and I think partly it's just pee-am-ass or I just really hate people changing the things in my room talk about THROWING. Like how can you forget and just throw what's more when I'M AT HOME. So can I go into your room throw something and say I forgot to tell you like wtf ok nevermind.........

I just typed one whole paragraph of my killer brain thoughts LOL i'm really angry thinking about it and what's second was that I fell after bathing. ON MY BUTT. It hurt for the entire day till now and then my dear leg muscles stiffen as well I don't know why. Stupid chef say he help me massage my butt HAHAA why so cheeky gosh.

Also I was nearly late (actually late) for work but it was smooth today like lesser customers and no crazy ones so work always makes the day better you know? But I don't know why going to work is always the crazy period -.-

Work ended after and I was honestly really tired my legs were all stiff and achy I wanted to go home ASAP but I passed by cotton on and this shit happened....

H&M was yesterday and Cotton On today. $35 SPENT BUT WELL SPENT. I really don't know how awesome to feel because I bought 5 items for $35 which isn't bad you know. I wanna do a blog post on my loots but I have yet to go to my pasar malam so after all is done I will share with you all ok HAHAHA. Come on it's GSS sales and how many months have I not done shopping hehe.

Okay here's another picture you must be bored by now so GOODNIGHT!

e says bye!

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