Monday, June 16, 2014

Getting angry because I'm hungry, no wait not angry; bitchy.

Not sure if I'm hungry thus angry or I'm being insecure about my face right now. Suddenly I feel that my face swell or got fat for some reason and I'm hating I don't wanna take photos anymore. Maybe it's just time to eat cleaner and stop going out .-.

Sorry for not posting because I've been either out or sleeping the whole day. I get so sleepy at night I always lose the concentration to blog and I always want the best out of it. So anyway this post sums up last Monday, Thursday and Saturday!

I had some free hair treatment that I was super hyped about but I don't wish to talk about it now because it actually sucked LOL. It was at Plaza Sing followed by a movie with Amos. Maleficent for the second time because it's too awesome and he wanted to watch it badly so why not. I think I memorized the entire story line and script or something it's one of the best movies.

After the movie we had a long time deciding on what to eat and he realized he lost his keys LOL. Super funny because we were walking to and fro from Plaza Sing to Cathay and back again looking and wondering.

We thought it dropped in the cinema or something but it was found by someone at Plaza Sing. SUPER KIND I wish I could meet that person and thank him/her personally because it's really hard to find someone like that. (Not me because if I found keys or anything I most likely would just leave it there). #dontjudge

I forgot the place we had dinner but yeah the uncle at the stall was funny because I paid for the meal (he paid for the movie tickets) and the uncle said "Why you pay not your boyfriend pay" in Chinese LOLOL. Hello Uncle what generation already women are independent too ok and no I'm Single HAHAHA.

Work on Thursday was quite bad from what I remember because I lacked sleep and migraines were so bad. I got unwell and dizzy when work ended so I was late for dinner at home. So chef decided to give a treat! I waited for hours doing nothing till his work ended LOL. but it was worth it he brought me to Makansutra Gluttons Bay (did I get it right i'm so bad with locations) and I think it was my first time eating there.

FOOD WAS GOOOOOOOOD. I wanna go back there and try more food again who's up for it ^^ also can I say that the view is so amazing with the city lights but we could only stay there for awhile because it was getting late. I miss the view already definitely need to go back there some day.

I was so tired the next day but it was lunch date with Candy! My hair was so messed up so typical girls like me wear caps or beanies heheh. I also forgot it was our last Friday because it's the school holidays now boohoo.

Phew! If you're still reading and not getting bored kuddos to you because I thought this post would be a short one. But anyway! Saturday was one of the worst yet epic day because my inner devil appeared HAHAHA

Firstly my alarm didn't ring and I was supposed to meet the son at Plaza Sing at 1. End up I was on time (slightly late) but he WASN'T. I called like 20 times but he didn't pick up and he was still sleeping. I was about to think of going home till he picked up and said he overslept LOL.

Being late wasn't the reasons why I got angry but because I was HUNGRY AF. I didn't eat anything and was supposed to eat lunch with him so I waited from 1 till 4. Thank god my work place was near so I popped by for abit but when I finally met him I got so angry I kinda started saying/scolding him lol.

We decided to watch a movie at a later timing to eat and I was so hungry I craved for Aston's. SO YES since he's late he shall listen to the queen HAHAHA.

 But I was so angry I started cursing and swearing when buying movie tickets because the queue was long and the person in-front of me took longer than usual as she was either chatting or asking questions and I said "first time watching movie ah?" and then my son told me to maintain because I was being a bitch :(

Moral of the story? Don't keep me waiting especially when I'm hungry because I'll be even bitchier than I already am. HAHAHA.

Our Cashier name. So is your sir name "Sia" or "Cat"? Hahahh.

Not a good idea to be looking at this now because I'm super hungry wtf -.-

The son told me that my ears were nice features and that I look great like this. He said I shouldn't be wearing spectacles. Really? BUT LOOK AT MY FAT FACE. What do you guys think hahaha. 

I honestly still prefer this.

So we decided to watch How To Train Your Dragon 2! It was a waste of money like really. I never once said this in my entire life of movies because most of the time I go "IT'S SO NICE" but this? I could have downloaded in on my computer and watch 22 Jump Street instead. It was draggy and the story-line could have been better compared to the first one.

I'm the one that tells people to do cock faces together but I end up doing them alone.

If you're still reading, congrats it's the end of this post HAHAHA. Here's some photos of my outfit I took last Monday before heading out. Finally using the tripod from Amos and I really want to do more of these but the weather's killing me.

okay enjoy and bye.


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