Thursday, June 12, 2014

Continuation of Saturday, celebrating today and SCRAMBLED EGGS.

Feeling really productive today even though it's getting late but I thought I should just do a continuation post from yesterday and things from today! Before I get started, can I say that work today was so stupid. Maybe it's just me I feel so useless when I make mistakes. Furthermore chef treats me so good I feel so guilty if I do something wrong, have you ever have that feeling? When someone treats you well that you just don't want to fuck up anything whether it's work or personal. 

But anyways, I'm grateful every time whenever he helps me with stuff when things get busy or when I have problems. Today when he helped me with something (when both of us were equally busy) I literally said "aww" out loud which I seldom do LOL. So sweet lah then his face was like "wtf is wrong with you" like some men ego hehehe.


FUCKING SCRAMBLED EGGS. I was craving for it so much since yesterday and chef really cooked it for me. I honestly want more because the egg craving is still here and IT'S SO NICE. HE EVEN STEAMED EGG I FEEL SUPER TOUCHED. I really really love chefs it's like they make food from anything they can find and it's orgasm you know.

Anyway! Today's been a depressing day (other than the awesome eggs) because of some reasons so it was a day to drink and celebrate with the son. 
It was so funny during the MRT trip because someone had the same ring tone as him. So he made me call his handphone to blast the same music countless of times HAHAHA. What's even funnier was I needed a seat badly due to my aching legs and I purposely sat near the person who had the same ring tone.


Sorry my face forever super cock but here's us fooling around in the MRT. I never liked taking MRTs but this made my day as well.
Dinner was awesome because it was a mini craving hehehe. I have thousands of cravings btw I'm that crazy.

Trying this for the first time it's damn good I swear. I want more who wants to drink with me but earlier timings please because I get high and shit hehehe.

Let's get back to SATURDAY. After I finished the NAFA Graduation Show (if you haven't read it's in my previous post), it was time to meet the son! Yes the son again LOL. 

He took so long that I could even travel to Suntec to look for chef for a chat and then eating some snacks + selfies. The plan was to head to Sentosa BUT IT RAINED. I'm so angry I really need Sentosa. Counting to next weekend because le beej says we're going DON'T BOMB ME ANYMORE :(

Dinner was my awesome rice bucket and cheese fries yum yum for my tum tum. We had no plans so we decided to watch a movie instead.

Can I say that I suck at counting the 24 hour clock and I thought the movie was 7.55 but hell no it was 8.55. & my son thought it was ok so he kept quiet without telling me LOL. We had to wait for 1-2 hours till the movie started. So I do what I do best....

We caught MALEFICENT! I LOVE IT SO MUCH OK. I'm going to do up a post on why I love it and everything single thing about it because it's too great.

More selfies more more.

I've been working out on my legs so much but I realized I gained it back all thanks to stupid avocadoes. IT'S SO FATTENING. I don't know if it's just me but the fats really grew back. I'm trying to keep track of it so here's a photo for memory loool.

Okay that's all for today and Saturday. Time to shower and sleep. Let's not make mistakes tomorrow for work :(


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