Monday, September 30, 2013

September Babies.

It's going to be October tomorrow and this post is one month late lolhehe. September has been crazy and fun due to many occasions especially birthdays! September is the fullest birthday month ever because there are so many September babies in our family.

I don't remember which part of Orchard this is at but clearly enough the restaurant name is KISEKI.

My family and I were early so I started snapping photos! I seldom have time to do so during previous years...

This is also what happens when a family group is too huge, it's so tough to decide who sits where muahahaha.

& the nom-ing begins!

Time for birthday cake for September babies!
Our cake was free this year all thanks to our Aunt who baked it, the decoration was peeeeerfect.

Grandma the VIP ^^

September babies :)

Birthday song video ^^

Here's Bertia being afraid of Grandma as usual hehehehe.

 We then headed to Grandma's house and our Uncle bought NERF GUNS.

Look who's here?! :D

Crazy shit ass gun that can contain 40 bullets wtf.

Pardon me for not tilting the video, I'm too lazy lol.


October is tomorrow which means the end of year is really coming! I'm excited yet sad at the same time, cya soon ^^

E says byebye!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hubzversion 1.

So Hubby and I are reaching our 2nd month real soon and time flies soooo fast. Maybe because he's away in Cambodia and it feels like we didn't spend the 2nd month well HAHA.

& I don't know if it's a good thing but whenever I blog about hubby the blog views just go up.... seriously? Do you all love him more than me ._.

So anyway, here are some funny conversations we had throughout our mini journey together.

Why I'm not a wifey material.

Me: Do you know I can't even cook Maggie?
Hubz: HUH?! (Super loudly and shocked)

Me: Yea... I don't even do housework. I think I only did it once and my Mum even paid me for it.
Hubz: *speechless*

Me: *walks away quickly*
Hubz: No lah I still love you, but you willing to learn anot?

Me: I dont think so HAHAHAHA


When we go crazy and shit.

Hubz: Baby you're the vexy to my hackus, the grace to my Patrick, and Keemon's our blue :D


Hubz: Cause we're twins! But also like Patrick and Grace!
Hubz: Ok fine. I'm like Vanity Smurf and you're my reflection.

Hubz: Hahahaha!! Idk, I'm feeling smurfy :D

Me: Hehehe. So cute you <3 p="">
Hubz: Hahaha!! Will cute meh! :P you're smurfalicious :D

Me: Hehehe. You're smurfsome <3 nbsp="" p="">
Hubz: LOLOL!! You're smurtiful!

This is what happens when we go too crazy after watching Smurfs....


Shit Hubz says.

"I'm gonna name our son Keemon, so it's poh-keemon"

"I'm gonna name our daughter Dancer, so it's poh-dancer"

"Why you so cute? I can say you can be cute meh?"

"Now I no kiss, no hug then text other guys lah?!"


Overly attached Hubz.

Me: Omg Faci is so sweet sia *blah blah blah*
Hubz: *stares at me*



Hubzversion: Conversations with Hubz and with our own version.
1 stands for the amount of months.

Therefore I'm officially awesome.
E says byebye!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Strictly Pancakes.

Before I start this post, have you been to the Google website? Idk if it works for phones but I'm stuck on Google since today/forever. There's this game where you hit a Pinata to get as many candy as possible... and it's just too fun and addictive! I shall never try to click new tabs till the game isn't there.

Speaking about candy........ This post is about Candy! No not that sweet candy but my friend Candy. HAHAA... I seriously had no idea that those two could link together. I'm so funny...


We took awhile to decide on where to go even before meeting and I was so excited! It has been awhile since I met Candy and we decided on Strictly Pancakes!

I was really happy as many people have been there before except me ._. & the menu is too awesome it's like you wanna get everything there.

I went to research on reviews and the most frequently dish I saw was the Garlic Butter Prawns. No matter how mainstream it was, I HAD TO TRY IT.

Candy got the Tiramisu but I never got to try it I forgot HAHA, it looked really nice though. Can I go there again pleaseeeee =(

The Garlic Butter Prawns were so generous with the sauce and prawns I was so full I couldn't even complete my meal! But it was definitely worth the price and try, and oh did I say we were SO LUCKY.

It was the actual day on their 3rd birthday and we had 30% off the entire meal, you should have seen our reaction lol.

We decided to walk around and popped by at LASALLE.
It was amazingggggggggggggggg. & it has been my dream school. (long story cut short)

Look at how amazing it is! It doesn't even look like a damn school, I even saw a dance studio. Oh how I miss studios...

The clouds were too pretty we wanted to take a photo of it together.

& we kinda failed. heh.

Decided to shop a little before heading home!

Feel free to stop reading after this, too many cam-whore shots taken HAHAHA, I even have to collate them together so that it looks lesser. 
This is what happens when you meet someone after a loooooooooooong time.

Candy's going to go Australia in a few days time! Wishing her all the best and most importantly to have fun throughout the trip, meet up again when you're back; I'm gonna miss youuuuu.
Hope you're reading this hehehe ^^


Also if you haven't tried Strictly Pancakes, head on to their website to find out more! Definitely a good place to hang out and weird streets to walk around hehehe.

E says byebye!