Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thursdays & Fridays are the best.

It's been ages since I've blogged something legit, no more emotional posts because I'm just tough this way hehehe. But jokes aside, I'm literally going crazy over shopping. (that was just so random)
But of course, I really missed blogging! ^^

I haven't been outgoing and whipping out my camera lately due to the exams and stuff,
my life has been boring :(
However, lesson's have been great. My standard of hardworking has improved way beyond till my Daily Grades get so creepy.


Thursdays and Fridays are the best, & I guess it's pretty obvious heh.

Movie poster I designed for the movie Shutter, I know it isn't as effective (to show the eerie/scared atmosphere) because I HATE horror, like i don't know I just can't connect with it or why pay the money to scare yourself.
But anyways, I tried my best and I'm glad I got a B ^^


We also had to pick a font of our favorite and do a design on it based on that font itself! It was so cool and interesting because I totally neglect fonts and how they even came about.
I immediately picked Bradley Hand ITC as it's been my fav. ever since my Brother introduced me to it,
isn't it pweeeedayyyyy ^^

This was the final piece I uploaded after the critique of my facilitator and with the help of my Brother,
he is THAT awesome.

Shall blog really soon with something I'm so excited about :3
E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Ahhhh my gosh ellyne hahahas!XDD Your designs are so nice though always simple!=) Love it!=DDD Especially your movie poster the background colour matches the scary theme, unlike mine uhh, it looks more like a documentary kind, like final destination lols.>< Anway am very happy for your studies improvements!^.^ Keep it up &Jiayou!^-^

Unknown said...

Ahhhhhhhhhh, the movie poster wasn't as well done though! Faci comment also know I cannot connect with it (cos i dislike horror!!) hehe. but still thank you ^^ and dont worry I've seen yours it's really not bad ok have confidence :D

Thank you! You too ^^

CandyAng said...

Hahahahas same nor I dislike horror too and O agree with the phrase you said in your post "why pay money to scare yourself" hahahahahas.XDD Hahahas welcome, thanks for having so much confidence in me!^.^ Appreciate that!=) hehes!=}

Unknown said...

Hahaha yes!! I rather pay money to make myself laugh hehehe. ^^

CandyAng said...

Hahahahahas true!XDDD