Monday, June 10, 2013

Student Investiture 2013.

As many of you people know, I'm the Club Representative for Service - Learning Club.
& we had an official ceremony together with all the other IGs. Therefore I'm in Student Council too.

It was such a weird journey being inside and I felt completely left out in Student Council :(
Most of them went to Camp Renaissance but I didn't, however the people there were so friendly! 

The photos are all messed up and used by different cameras LOL. Mine sucked so badly,
but still; thank you for those who came for the Investiture. 
I don't know how my journey onwards will be like but I definitely thank Service - Learning Club for this opportunity.


This is Adeline using my camera while I was ready to get my certificate hehe.

Cheer-leading team from Republic Polytechnic ^^

Thank You and appreciation video for our advisers ^^

Trying to photo-bomb caught in action hehe

Previous exco batch.

Look at Aqeem HAHAHAAHA

My certificate yay,
thanks to Ding Kun for helping pay for lamination ^^

This is so funny they gave us this but all of us didn't use it, but I'm still keeping it.

Last but not least.......

I think it's taken from Adeline or Vishnu.

I didn't know I was so skinny :/

That's all for today, will be posting when I'm free ^^
E says byebye!

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