Monday, June 17, 2013

Dreamspiration 2013.

Dreamspiration 2013

Before I start this post with loads of awesome pictures, I definitely want to share with you all what's Dreamspiration about!

It might be the first time coming across this word because "Dreamspiration" comes from the two words"Dreams" and "Inspiration". Can I name my child that too lolol.

So anyway, it's an event planned by our Service - Learning Committee to give children a chance to experience the different job scopes instead of typical ones like being a teacher, doctor or nurse.

It was really a very interesting event and I could never have thought of having an event like this. Most of us never had the chance to really plan for our future due to the short time given and we jump to conclusions too easily. 
Isn't it great seeing kids enjoying the facilities in RP and also expanding their knowledge? :')

Leggo to the pictures, and of course;
it shall start with me hehehe.

Ah Ping and KSL as our emcees during debrief and meetups,
ah ping did a great job ok he's so cute HAHAHA.

My dear Shakun as the admin, hehe

Doing props for their booth.

Dream Career cards for the kids and our lanyards ^^

With Shasha, 
after taking this shot. I was amazed.

Why are my eyes god damn blue?!

Did another test shot & found out that it was due to the lighting, heeehz.

SHL Booth @ The Career Tour

SOH Booth, pretty pretty photo frames :D

Spa & Wellness, one of the kids went for the hand massage.
I also wantz pl0x.

With le minion Jojo who made this event a success ^^

Being a SL for Group 6,
with my lovely adorable kids :3

At one of the stations, simulator.
Many of time were excited driving the plane!

Resting time while the rest were having fun,
I cam-whore la sial.

Ohmo I look so pweddy :(

Science station, sitting on the floor because there's no reception inside heh.

With Zahrin! ^^

All these pictures taken from Jovin, hehe.

Our family shot, I love you SLC ^^


Ending it at home with more shots, 
I felt so pretty with my nice fringe and all lah hais.

Best way to end: With a lanyard.
I even have customized sticker HAHAHA.
(just joking people don't know my name hashtagforeveralone)

That's all for Dreamspiration 2013! 
I'm really glad to have participated with this event, I miss those kids already.

PS, Might be away for a few days due to busy schedule.
E says byebye!

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