Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Black Romper.

I think it's been officially 1 month of my working life and it's either a good or bad thing that GSS Sales starts. Good because yes I can buy everything cheap and no not good because I didn't save up for anything .-.

So I bought ALOT of new clothes and I'm going to start posting them up here! Sorry for not posting for awhile but let's get to the main point of the Black Romper.
Only till then did I realized that I haven't had a romper since years back (where my fashion was a disaster) and I felt really ugly in them. Not this time! 

I love the cutting of the bottom and it's so so comfortable especially for this crazy weather. I can wear this on the go anytime and just bring a shawl or something. Can I also say it makes my legs look super slim?

Ok shutup and post pictures.

Yes I wore this to the beach too! Wearing the best looking attire and feeling comfortable is the best thing ever.

I know this post isn't much but I don't want to spend so many photos on just one piece. Right? So stay tuned for more! :)


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Two bijs meeting a bitch at the beach.

It's about midnight and here I am cuddled up on bed ready to sleep. But I really had the itch to blog or mainly because I'm just finding reasons to stay awake for no reason and I know I'm going to regret it like every single day but most of all tomorrow because I have to be at work by 11am due to some customer which made me insane today but who cares let's not talk about it. PHEW DAT SENTENCE THOU HAHAHAH.

So I finally had a life during the weekends and met the bij! Can I just say i'm really addicted to both Sentosa and her? Like firstly I can't believe it's so beautiful and secondly I have found someone who could just lay at the beach for hours doing nothing but just talking and eating. I bet none of my ex-es or future boyfriend(s) or husband(s) could do that LOL.

I know I've uploaded TONS of photos on instagram already but so sorry there are more. HAHAH. Please please embrace nature and head to the beach at least once and you'll understand why I can just spend my hours there ^^

Outfit of the day. Bought a new black romper just for beach wear because I know I'll be heading to them more often, one of the many things bought from my haul during the sales will share with ya'll soon!

& we reached! With an awkward lady behind me lol but hey I look nice and damn my legs look gorgeous thanks to cutting of the romper. We headed to Tanjong Beach and it was sooooo peaceful! Please please always visit Palawan or Tanjong because it's just so quiet. but not anymore with me there HAHAHA.

This bij was broke as shit so I BOUGHT A HAMPER FOR HER. Actually all cheap lah cos it's from DAISO HAHAHA. The banana chips were like plastic but I was craving for them but I shall let it past because it's only $2. and can you see the pink packet of chips it's so adorable and I didn't know what flavour it was (all japanese words) but I took it because it has sakura pictures LOL.

Also had our favourite beer and the Mac was my lunch. It was also my first meal of the day at 3pm sob. Ps, up till now we still don't know what's the taste of those pink chips it just tasted sweet and sweeter. BUT IT'S PINK I LOVE.

This snack was stated "Cabbage" behind and when we ate finish this girl looked behind and thought she saw the word "Garbage" and nearly freaked out. HAHAHA she was like "Omg i thought i was eating garbage the whole time". HELLO CAN I NOT BE TRUSTED LOL.

Look who came to visit!

A random dog called Foxxy HAHA. Tanjong Beach has alot of dogs and I was so afraid they would eat our food (because my literal bitch at home gobbles everything on the floor) but all of  them were so tame T.T & Foxxy kept walking around us doing nothing like she was bored.

She also didn't want to go home and her owner kept walking around in circles as Foxxy kept walking around us like she was avoiding to go home hehehe.

I asked this bij to help me take my outfit photo (above) and it was on front cam so she took a selfie with Foxxy instead HAHAHA

Oh yes hot guy modelling (he initially looked ugly to me at first because he looked so white) but then he got hotter as I looked HAHAHA. So we selfie.

I was also telling the bij that my shades had a free filter. So I tried taking a shot.

Then she took a try as well.

Yup, look what she did. I ALWAYS LOSE TO PHOTOGRAPHY I SWEAR. It looks too prettyyyy.


Started to get dark and her parents decided to give us a lift to Causeway Point for dinner!

Pizza Hut @ $13.90 for a set. I got the baked rice, chicken wings and sjora drink. Feeling really aunty because the baked rice itself costs $10 - $12 so it's steal to be eating these ok HAHAHA

Last but not least my FAVOURITE PHOTO.

I finally did it on my own! The last time I recalled doing it myself outside with confidence was during my secondary school days during dance training. I tried it many times ever since on the bed but i felt so uncomfortable and ugly. On that day I just stood up and told the bij "I feel like doing a bridge, should I?" & obviously the person who supports me gave me the confidence to do so :)

Because of this I felt really proud of myself but of course it still looks out of shape HAHA, if you haven't seen the video I posted on instagram of myself doing it, it looks really horrible. Like I was scared and doing it weird but it's ok I'll continue training!

I also created by own quote, "Dance doesn't only live in the heart, it's in the blood". 
Also quote Step Up, "Born from a boom box".


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Throwback to last year.

HI! My life has been so geeky and boring because I've been doing nothing other than working and watching X-Men. Yes I'm a crazy fanatic of it now and nothing can stop me when I'm addicted to shows or movies. It's like you're trapped in some illusion and you only wake up when it's over, or when the movie's over. 

I've been trying to do take photos of my haul and clothes I bought weeks back but the days are so warm I just can't do it. Some days when their meant to be productive I end up waking up late and watch movies the entire day. How to know if  you're an introvert? You just shut yourself at home after days of going out and just want to snuggle up in your room doing what you love. 

I guess I'll try being productive again tomorrow but since I have nothing interesting to really talk about I just thought of showing some stuff I did last year. (This blog wasn't as famous so yes here's my chance HAHA)
I can't believe it's been a year and I remember clearly from some photos that I was so heartbroken at that time due to a dude who dumped me or something but taking photos kept me happy, and busy hahaha.

Can I also say that I'm a total amateur at this and I was experimenting with colour editing so no judgey please hehe.

Okay picture time I'll see you next time ;)

Last but not least here's a photo of me 2 years back. Why do I feel so ugly looking at this I miss my short fringe and hair already I looked sooo young and pretty! :(