Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thursdays & Fridays are the best.

It's been ages since I've blogged something legit, no more emotional posts because I'm just tough this way hehehe. But jokes aside, I'm literally going crazy over shopping. (that was just so random)
But of course, I really missed blogging! ^^

I haven't been outgoing and whipping out my camera lately due to the exams and stuff,
my life has been boring :(
However, lesson's have been great. My standard of hardworking has improved way beyond till my Daily Grades get so creepy.


Thursdays and Fridays are the best, & I guess it's pretty obvious heh.

Movie poster I designed for the movie Shutter, I know it isn't as effective (to show the eerie/scared atmosphere) because I HATE horror, like i don't know I just can't connect with it or why pay the money to scare yourself.
But anyways, I tried my best and I'm glad I got a B ^^


We also had to pick a font of our favorite and do a design on it based on that font itself! It was so cool and interesting because I totally neglect fonts and how they even came about.
I immediately picked Bradley Hand ITC as it's been my fav. ever since my Brother introduced me to it,
isn't it pweeeedayyyyy ^^

This was the final piece I uploaded after the critique of my facilitator and with the help of my Brother,
he is THAT awesome.

Shall blog really soon with something I'm so excited about :3
E says byebye!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Judge and Respect.

Things haven't been good lately, a day can have so many ups and downs.
It's just so tough to even express how I feel because sometimes I just tell myself that things would be alright,
would it?

It hurts to see how respect gets thrown down or how much one can do to earn it,
the worst is seeing someone you love so much being ironic.

If you're gonna judge others, don't tell others not to judge.
If you wanna be respected, learn to respect others.

I judge others because it's human's nature, therefore I don't tell others what to do.
I seldom take respect at hand, but I don't care who respects me as long as I learn to do it myself.


A third-party sees it all, he/she doesn't judge but pities you instead,
Let's just call this third-party "Belle".

Belle wishes she could do the same to let others taste their own medicine,
but she respects each and everyone dearly and she's lost on what to do.

She knows she's able to win and do things that make her happier, 
but would she be really happy? Or just temporary;

because sometimes when you try to do something to make yourself happier, the more you kill yourself inside.

She wishes she wasn't as soft-hearted and just go for what she wants,
but all these time she just wants others to happy instead.

I don't pray or wish that all will be well,
because I know some things can't be changed;

but time heals everything, and Belle needs a break.


Monday, June 24, 2013


Hi gaiizz. It's 1.30pm and I've finished my work for class,
decided to do a random post because I have been craving for loads of stuff...

I used to think cravings would only be for food,
hell no I was wrong.

Shopping Spree

Yep, that's all I need.
Lemme list down because I'm really so going to get it hehehe.

- Jean Bermudas 
- Ray bands that aren't expensive, anything that looks like it
- Large bobby pins for thicker hair
- A long ass ribbon (like for cake boxes) for hair experiment
- Few more pairs of hidden socks
- Hair cut

Yes, I put hair cut in this list because I hella need it :<
& FYI I don't have all these right now except for hidden socks, 
therefore I NEED them.

next week I shall get them all,
if i could.....

E says byebye!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

SLC Handover Ceremony 2013.

Heyho Hello readers, I am back for a proper post.
I really really missed you guys and I missed this place so badly!

About two weeks ago, Service-Learning Committee had our Handover Ceremony,
it was such a memorable one because I got to hear each and everyone's opinions.
& also passing around tissue papers for the haze.

just joking LOL, for the tears... if you get what i mean....

So anyway, let's start this photo-blogging! ^^


All the snacks and drinks we got for the pot luck :)

Each of us had to bring something and there was so much food!
Let me recall, Roti Prata, Cupcakes, Chicken Wings omg....

Everyone starting to eat, I didn't have any more pictures of the food.
I was being a glutton hehhhz.

Then it was cam-whoring time ^^

Sherman Sherman.... LOL.

I totally forgot what was inside that bowl,
if i'm not wrong there's winter-melon plus root beer, but it doesn't taste as bad though HAHA.

Mini- group shot ^^

Cake and brownies! I didn't get to eat the cake though,
Thanks to Shafiqa (was it her I have memorizing issues) who made it for us + previous excos ^^

Quan Yuan, making me look even shorter.

Idk why I took this,  heh.

I don't remember who I took this photo from! but def not from my cam.

Group shot, Wov you SLC ^^


Time for the top 3 nominees of Best Picture Award...

taken by Ian idk why he treats me like a model or something.
I'm just really joking T.T

The hat is Ian's! ^^

DAAAAAAAAMNN GIRL Look at them legs.
If my face was much nicer, PROFILE PIC PLEASE. HAHA.

Last but not least, Best Selfie Shot Award goes to...............


I miss the entire group already, let's meet up soon ^^
E says byebye!

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Most current photo taken few minutes ago. Need to wear contact lenses for the entire day due to the huge pimple near my nose. I blame the haze.

Why haven't I been blogging for so long? I've been so busy due to exams and sleeping early.
I blame the haze.

What will I be updating about today? Nothing much but just updates on my life.
But actually there's nothing much, because I blame the haze.

HAHA. Just joking, I'm just following the trend. Let's just stahp ok.



- I''ve been having exams for the three days and been sleeping as early as 11 to catch up on my sleep, therefore I decided to put my blog aside.

- M5O wouldn't be back for awhile cos I'm so lazy. & I don't have that many clothes ok heh.

- I have many things lined up to blog about but I might start either tomorrow or Monday.

- Heading out later on to grandma's house I'm so happy ^^


That's all for today,
E says byebye!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dreamspiration 2013.

Dreamspiration 2013

Before I start this post with loads of awesome pictures, I definitely want to share with you all what's Dreamspiration about!

It might be the first time coming across this word because "Dreamspiration" comes from the two words"Dreams" and "Inspiration". Can I name my child that too lolol.

So anyway, it's an event planned by our Service - Learning Committee to give children a chance to experience the different job scopes instead of typical ones like being a teacher, doctor or nurse.

It was really a very interesting event and I could never have thought of having an event like this. Most of us never had the chance to really plan for our future due to the short time given and we jump to conclusions too easily. 
Isn't it great seeing kids enjoying the facilities in RP and also expanding their knowledge? :')

Leggo to the pictures, and of course;
it shall start with me hehehe.

Ah Ping and KSL as our emcees during debrief and meetups,
ah ping did a great job ok he's so cute HAHAHA.

My dear Shakun as the admin, hehe

Doing props for their booth.

Dream Career cards for the kids and our lanyards ^^

With Shasha, 
after taking this shot. I was amazed.

Why are my eyes god damn blue?!

Did another test shot & found out that it was due to the lighting, heeehz.

SHL Booth @ The Career Tour

SOH Booth, pretty pretty photo frames :D

Spa & Wellness, one of the kids went for the hand massage.
I also wantz pl0x.

With le minion Jojo who made this event a success ^^

Being a SL for Group 6,
with my lovely adorable kids :3

At one of the stations, simulator.
Many of time were excited driving the plane!

Resting time while the rest were having fun,
I cam-whore la sial.

Ohmo I look so pweddy :(

Science station, sitting on the floor because there's no reception inside heh.

With Zahrin! ^^

All these pictures taken from Jovin, hehe.

Our family shot, I love you SLC ^^


Ending it at home with more shots, 
I felt so pretty with my nice fringe and all lah hais.

Best way to end: With a lanyard.
I even have customized sticker HAHAHA.
(just joking people don't know my name hashtagforeveralone)

That's all for Dreamspiration 2013! 
I'm really glad to have participated with this event, I miss those kids already.

PS, Might be away for a few days due to busy schedule.
E says byebye!