Friday, May 3, 2013

Short Updates.

I'm currently in school now! Decided to blog before heading home :)
Today was a long and taxing day. Have so many interesting things to update but I haz no time!

I have a cute little section coming up on my blog soon but I'll do it either tomorrow or Sunday.
Anyway; here's 2 OOTD for last week :)

Pink Nike Top from USA

Black Inner Tanktop from
Black Jeggings from
Black Studded Bag from
Peach Nude Belt from Yew Tee
Outer jacket from USA

Another 2 photos of myself in case you miss me. 
actually cos nothing to update now lolol.

E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Hahahahahas my gosh ellyne why your this post so funny to me.>< you looked so cute in the 2nd last photo.>< *Can I pinch you?* Lols so random anyway we've been so busy, miss you so much hope that there will come a day we can meet up and really chat.=)

Unknown said...

Hahaha why so funny! is it cos i didn't update much XD
Yeaaa! :( Holidays coming le will meet up ok!! ^^

CandyAng said...

Hahahahas nope its because we haven been catching up with each other since the school term has started.=( Yes!!!^.^

Unknown said...

Hahaha icic! hehe ^^