Thursday, May 30, 2013

Weekend love.

Yesterday was near to the shittiest day, but I shall be happy because today's post shall be a happy one ^^
My fav fav fav F.A.M.I.L.Y.

I went MIA for 3 weekends due to One-Heart! 2013 and haven't been visiting my relatives and grandmother. It was so great to see them again on the weekends :)

My fringe's getting long, contact lenses seemed much more comfy!

Missed this little prince. So I had to take many pictures of him,
I iz paparazzi.

Then it was time

All the unglam moments.

y kenneth so funny.

All of us cousins were cam-whoring and my Mum?
Focused on watching tv LOL.

Tell me you're thinking what I'm thinking,
she looks like some "character"

Like father, like son.

I did not take this picture LOL.

Look at them pits HAHAHA.

I got bored, my bro's cap hehe ^^

Appreciate weekends because family is so important to me, where got time for love la sial.
E says byebye!

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