Saturday, May 25, 2013

Le Pigz Choir Concert.

Wednesday was the last day of school for our study break (finally), and it was a day that I was waiting for.
Kelly's Choir Concert! Kelly/Pigz/Cousin she has too many names.

I was too tired on the day itself and wasn't the best audience for the night :[
However it was definitely worth watching and seeing my cousin performing on stage, I think it's the first time... LOL.

& of course to spoil things up; photography during the concert isn't allowed. Pfft. What's new.
Took some pictures when it was during the intermission (is that what you call it, it's just a 20 minutes break I just wanted to sound chim because the person said that word too).

With Kenneth, my Brother couldn't make it :(

The stage, it brings back so much memories :')

Photo taken from my Uncle's camera after the performance,
I look damn old omgz.

She's so pweeeety! Hehehe, am really proud of her yayz.

That's all for today, I'm gonna sleepz soon.
E says byebye!

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