Friday, May 10, 2013

Personal Post - Designing a Sticker.

Since yesterday marks my 4th week in Fundamentals of Design Module; I decided to share with you guys my design hehe.
It's quite a personal post as there is one design that has a looong story behind it. I didn't want to share much with the class and my facilitator so I thought why not share it here? ;)

Wait for tomorrow for a more interesting post lololol.

We were supposed to design a sticker to represent ourselves. The first few things I thought of about myself would be Facebook, Blogging and Dancing
Plus! I'm so well-known now for my spectacles and giganormous no bridge nose.

This was one of my top few fav but here's the one I'm so proud of and having a true story behind it :)

Some people might have seen this design (friends in greenridge secondary) as I always drew this on my hand like nearly everyday.
This design actually didn't just started of like this so easily; it was slowly established since Secondary 1.

I love the initials of my name and I think that they fit well together; therefore I used to write "ey" in nearly anything and everything that I posses. Especially stationary or books as it was during the school days.

Slowly I started to love tattoos; and I tried to draw "ey" on my hand.

At this spot! 

It started to get and look boring and I changed the "font" of it. I also used to love abstracts and I decided "why not make it look like ey but not ey?"

So after adding the dots and curls of the lines. It started to form like a heart shape. Oh and the letter Y looked like a stethoscope to me. So it was quite an incidental design too!
Last but not least; I added the heartbeat mainly to just make it look nicer but since it had linked to the heart shape and stethoscope. I felt that it totally made sense.

Since then (secondary 3); I always drew this on my hand and it would always lead others to ponder what's this symbol about. Which I always felt proud and happy of.

But after my module; my facilitator said that there would need to be more concept behind this sticker / symbol. I couldn't think of any but I knew there was a reason why I did it.
So after much thoughts; I finally knew! & it's so personal I still wanna share it.

Firstly; I like to create my own designs for myself. I want something to represent me and where no one has ever seen it. & yes; I have never seen anyone done a design like this!

Secondly; this design was one of the few that so called pulled me through my entire life in Secondary School. Whenever I look at it; I feel proud that I could actually design something instead of just mugging and studying. Secondary school actually changed my life the most as I made the most mistakes, being able to pull through till polytechnic would definitely be one of my greatest achievements.

Thirdly. You know when there are some points of your life (either many times or once in awhile) where you just breakdown and cry whenever something wrong happens? What do you do? What do you think of? We all have many ways to calm ourselves or think of things to make us feel better.
For me, I always have the urge to cut myself in the wrist. 

NOWNOW. DON'T JUDGE. & I'm not psychotic.
IT IS PROVEN. From google. Lol.
The link is">here

When I say I have the urge. It means I didn't do it. I just will think about it.

So anyways; back to because I loved tattoos (and I really want to have one when I grow up), I would want this to be on me. To represent who I am and also intending to put this tattoo design on my wrist.

Why? So that whenever shit happens in my life; I would look at it and feel proud. To tell myself never to give up on life and myself. & that I'll always be this:

So yep; that's the end.
I guess many of you readers wouldn't be reading till here LOL.
But anyway; YAY! Finally feel good after typing this out.

If you're gonna judge me I guess I'm totally cool, but I really never dared to open up about it.
Now that I told to ALL of you readers; I guess it wouldn't be a secret anymore. Heh.

E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Oh my gosh ELLYNE!=) This post is so interesting, I love it, especially your unique sticker design, WOW WOW &WOW!!! As compared to mine, you really can design so much better than I do.>< It is through such posts that I get to know you better &better thanks so much babe for this friendship in POLY, I appreciate &cherish it alot!^-^

Unknown said...

Ahhhh thank you!! I believe your designs will be nice also and also have a nice concept!! ^^ Hahaha I appreciate it too ! <3

CandyAng said...

Welcome babe!^-^ Thanks for that encouragement!=)) Hehes!=} Holidays are coming, we can meet up to do assignments and go out etc.=DDD

Unknown said...

Yes! Finally! hehehe.