Saturday, August 21, 2010




last night was kinda horrible. SO TIRED. LOL
actually had alot of stuff to update about yesterday, but i'm lazy.
but since i'm here alr, and i have time, and i'm not tired. i wont be lazy.

so yea. FRIDAY

school's alright. i actually forgot what happen
all i know that was damn funny?
i only remembered jermyn forgave me, half way. LOLOL!

so yea. sch ended. i think met vijay at the voiteck? LOL (void deck)
then with yuvan all, then shouted the farrell tham pai seh thingy. laughed like hell.
chased after the 960 bus, was happy. cos needed to chiong home. ehe

reached home, ate lunch with parents.
quickly did my stuff. that was when my lappy was done. HEHE/
bathed and went to hospital alr.
dentist appointment was cancelled. HAPPY! LOL
went to LULUCA first. dad bought that new house. seriously damn fucking nice.
its still building. but the room is smaller. BUT ITS NICE LARHS OKAY! LOL

reached hospital. was okay larhs. quite funny at some stuffs.
dont wish to say it here lol
doctor was equally wierd. okay? LOL. so dumb
the nurse taught me how to use the spray, its working so well now. ehe.
GP doctors are FAAAAKE~ LOL

ate teabreak at the food junction at NUH. ordered the half boiled egg. in the end is hard. wth?
both me and my dads reaction's damn funny. LOL.
they changed a new one. was damn hungry. ehe.

went to fetch bro. reached home, nth much.

TODAY. which is actually yesterday cos now its like 1.06 AM.

morning as usual, woke up and eat breakfast.
my appetite is much lesser lorhs. mac upsize cant finish fries. now this bowl of noodles also cant.
went home. brought eric out. was damn fun.
reached home was damn tired. then did my maths. then sleep. lunch, slack
tuition per normal.

dinner le then went to collect specs. MUAHAHAH.

so thats all actually,
very tired now. and i think i'm gonna sleep.

cant be bothered to change the colour of words.

gonna go church tmr and go grandma house.


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