Tuesday, August 31, 2010

大家好! :D

school's kinda slacky today. shant update much about it though. so damn tired.
gonna post sth plus quiz. record video for desiree. and sleep! (again) :(


now that my teeth is officially without clothes (braces), just felt like talking about it ;)

i still remember the first time my parents and i went to the dental clinic, RAPHAH. or wadever sp :x
i was kinda scared as i though it would look ugly on me, i didnt even know there would be pain.
i took the x-ray, the mould stuff. and i realised that my top jaw was very out and i had bug tooth.
the dentist told me that i could do operation or put braces. operation would be faster, but very dangerous.
so yea, i did braces larhs!
she used some glue to put on my teeth and used the so called 'brackets' to paste it.
it wasnt pain, but the brackets scratched my inner lip for one month because it was rough,
plus i couldnt get use to it.
the 2nd month the dentist finally put the "rubberbands", for the first time,
i experienced the pain of having braces.
i had to eat porridge for at least 3 weeks as it was so painful, i felt so wierd with it,
like there was sth in my mouth forever,
but as you see. i looked nicer in it LOL!

every month i changed the rubber band colour, and making it tighter.
till it really improved alot. after it was going back to normal.
the dentist gave me small bands to push my lower jaw frontward a lil'
that gave me so much headache!
after that i continued making it tighter everyone.
the major thing to wear was the HEAD GEAR.
yes, it sounds scary. i'm kinda sad i didnt take a pic of it lorhs.
i had to return it to them yea.
the head gear was to push back my upper jaw.
it wasnt as painful, but uncomfortable. it was quite big.
but it helped alot.

finally after months of visiting,paying money and pain.
it's done!

removing the braces was horrible, i got a damn shock
she needed to use "pliers" to break the brackets off.
which was kinda "pain" becuase she pushed my teeth and break,
i thought my tooth broke to LOL.
it took quite long to remove the glue also, and my teeth was dirty as i didnt wash the brackets part.
after a 1/3 hour plus process everything was done.
and looking at the mirror plus comparing my previous teeth. i just cant help but to laugh out :P
and i'm thinking, it's worth it, so worth it.
oh yea. i even had to buy some cream to make my teeth whiter and stronger : $50. WTF!

so now my teeth is so much better.

i'm not trying to scare anyone who's going or thinking of having braces.
i can confirm you that whoever does have braces wouldnt complain after they see nice results.
complaining is normal, even i do that. but in my heart i'm happy i have a chance to do and experience this.

whatever we want in life, we have to suffer; either a little or alot. we still get good results afterall.
and you would be telling yourself : afterall, i'm happy.

and, thank god and parents for spending so much money on me just for my teeth.


110. My last name:

109. I was born in:
Singapore .

108. I am really:
tired now

107. My phone is:
beside me, waiting for someone to msg me cos i'm bored. LOL

106. My eye color is:

105. My ring size is:
so small, very small. :P

104. My height is:

103. I am allergic to:
dirty environment, eg. my room LOL

102. I was born on:
29 december 95

101. I am annoyed by:
groups of girls who annoy me like piece of shit and boys who disturb girls like FOREVER

100: What happened to question 189?
whooo cares~~ FAKE CHANG CHANG. LOL

99. My bed is:
full of stuffed toys :X

98: One thing you don’t like about yourself:
hmm, my small hair dangling around when i tie them up LOL

97. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?

96. How do you vent anger?
depends what i'm angry about?

95. How did your day start off?
waking up and sleeping on my basin. HAHAHAHAAH

94. Do you get along with guys or girls better?

93. How do you think you look right this moment?
so fucky. LOL. messy hair. tired eyes.

92. Last person you went to the movies with?
my bro?

91. My favorite Holiday is:
what you mean?

90. The last CD I bought was :
i dont think i have any.

89. Do you have any siblings?

88. What did you do yesterday?
did my stuff :D

87. When in doubt?:
i think for the whole night and sleep for awhile only. -.-

:::I Do /Do Not Believe In::::

86. Love at first sight? yes,

85. Luck? Ya .

84. Fate? Yes .

83. Aliens? sometimes? LOLOL

82. Heaven? yeaa

81. Hell? yesyes

80. Ghosts? YES LOR :(

79. Horoscopes? yes.

78. Soulmates?: i kinda forgot the meaning of that...

77. Karma? hmm, sometimes

:::Which is Better?:::

76. Drunk or High? High

75. On the phone or online: depends who i talk tooo

74. Red heads or blondes? Blondes .

73. Blondes or Brunettes? brunettes?

72. Hot or cold?: Hot

71. Summer or Winter: Winter .

70. Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla

69. Night or Day?: day

68. Oranges or Apples?: APPLES

67. Curly or Straight hair? slight curls

::Here’s What I Think About:::

66. Abortion: noo

65. Backstabbers: i kill yoU! LOL

64. Parents: hmm

:::Last time I:::

63. hugged someone: yea. i only hugged two person. LOL

62. Saw someone: maid?

61: Cried in front of someone? not really. only hear LOL


60. Who is the ditziest person you know: sounds like gritty LOLOL

59. Who makes you laugh? RAO RAO

58. Last show you watched? tv or movie?

57. What you don’t understand is? why did he think he cant make me happy? why did mentard avoid me? ( emo)

56. The most unsatisfying answer: " i avoided you ever since sth happened to my grandmother" FUCK YOU LOL

55. Something I really miss when I leave home is? MY LAPPY LOL. MAD ME

54. The thing I’m looking forward to the most is? be happy. looking at you on thursday!

53. Tomorrow: use lappy and go buy present for teacher? NYAHA

52. Today: dono

51. Next Summer: dono

50. This Weekend: as usual

49. The person(s) who knows the most about me is: that guy who avoided me :(

48. The most difficult thing to do is? play the piano/organ with both hands!

47. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket: NO LA LOL

46. The first person I talked to today was: mum, i wanted panty liners LOL

45. First time you had a crush: p4?

44. The one person who I can’t hide things from: mentard :(

43. Last time someone said something you were thinking: forgot wor.

42. Right now I am talking to? myself. always . LOLOL

41. What is your dream job? be a singer. WTH EHHE

40. First job? do a blowjob. LOLOLOL JKJK! NO job :(

39. I have had these pets: fish dog lizard insects everything in my house LOLOL

38. I can still see: that you have feelings for meeeeee

37. The worst sound in the world is: the sound of orgasm. LOL! dono la!

36. The person who makes me cry the most: you, and the other you! :<

35. Best sound in the world?: your laughter and voice :(

34. Who makes you happy? my dog, desiree and RAO! or maybe the people in sch! :>

33. Cats or dogs?: dogs.

32. Myspace or Facebook: facebooook!

31. Mexican food or Chinese? CHINESE

30. My favorite piece of clothing? currently don have?

29. My favorite color(s) are: black,white silver gold.

28. Last time I cried: last last night

27. My friends: crazy like a piece of shit. LOLOL

26. My computer: lappy* is FAST! :D

25. Last person I got mad at: i remembered. but i forgot again

24. Person you secretly crush on? its a secret? LOLOL

23. Favorite place to eat?: anywhere as long there's good food!

22. Favorite song: ermermermermerm. SO MANY

21. The all-time best show is: most shows are nice in my opinion LOL

20. The all-time best feeling in the world is: MASTURBATING!. LOLOL. okok no. being with you <3

19. Favorite scent: the wierd smell on you :P

18. What color is your hairbrush: maroon?

17. Favorite shoes: the one i just bought!! :D

16. I lose all respect for people who : are shits. LOL

15. favorite channel to watch: CH8?

14. favorite food: my fav noodle!

13. favorite day of the week: hmm. dono

12. Best Feature(s) in the opposite sex: the smell, eyes, smile. EVERYTHING IN YOU!

11. The worst pain I was ever in was: 27/04/10 :(

10. Best Memory: from the day i knew you

9. Favorite TV show? too many

8. My favorite singer/band: ME. LOLOL

7. Favorite Stuffed Animal? DOGDOGDOG

6. Greatest Fear: death, insects -.-

5. My weakness is: i dono! LOL

4. When was your last concert? i dont think i ever entered one LOLOL

3. Who broke your heart? you, but i still love you :(

2. One thing that makes you feel great is: using lappy!

1. One person that you wish you could see right now ? you,!

Rules of the game:

If you have done something in this school which is indicated by the sentence, mark the [ ] on the left side of the thing you have done with a x.
Let the game begin.

Level 1:

[x]Sleep in class
[x]Talked in class
[x]not seating at your own place in class
[x]Scolded by a teacher
[x]Litter the classroom
[x]Did not do your homework at least 15 times
[x]Submitted your homework late at least 10 times
[ ]Came late for school at least 10 times
[x]brought/wore home clothes without school's permission
[x]brought/wore jewellery to school
[ ]did not pay attention in class for at least 60% of the time
[x]cried out "sian" or "wa lao wei" to the teacher
[ ]plucked a flower/ killed a plant in school
[x]copied other people's homework in desperation
[x]played a trick on your classmates/teacher

Total so far: 12

Level 2:

[ ]sent for detention class
[x]late in class
[x]not wearing your school uniform (if you have) properly
[x]shouted at the top of your voice during lesson time
[x]scolding vulgarities in class
[x]sported hairstyle deemed unacceptable by the school
[x]used a school facility without school's permission
[ ]played soccer/basketball or any other sports in classroom
[ ]singing loudly during lesson
[x]walking around the class aimlessly during lesson time
[x]did not greet the teacher properly
[x]went to the toilet during lesson time without permission
[x ]played a trick on the teacher during april fools
[x ]used the teacher's table as a rubbish dump
[x]made yourself a nuisance to the teacher

Total so far: 11 + 12 = 23

Level 3:

[x]was asked to stay back after school/ break time
[x]made a fool out of morning assembly
[x]wasted the school's toilet paper
[x]sabotaged someone
[x]irritated someone

Total so far: 23 + 5 = 28

Level 4:

[x]forged your parent's signature
[ ]forged a classmate's signature
[ ]forged a teacher's signature
[ ]made rude remarks to the school cleaners in front of them
[ ]flew a paper aeroplane down from the school's highest storey

Total so far: 28 + 1 = 29

Level 5:

[x]fiddling with your handphone during lesson time
[x]played with your PSP in school ( OR Friends PSP?)
[x]using school computer to play games without a teacher's permission
[x]listened to an MP3 player in school
[ ]messed with the teacher's pigeon hole

Total so far: 29 + 4= 33

Level 6:

[x]vandalising with school property
[x]tried to defame your school in public
[ ]used the internet to scold teachers
[x]fought with someone in school
[ ]shoplifted in school

Total so far: 33 + 3= 36

Level 7:

[x]cheated in a class test
[x]cheated in a school examination
[x ]cheated for your PSLE/ GCE 'O' or 'A' Level Examination
[x]Lied to your teacher
[x]played truancy for hall assemblies/ specific lessons

Total so far: 36 + 5= 41

Level 8:

[ ]took drugs in school
[ ]smoked in school
[ ]set fire to something in the school
[x]locked the teacher out of the classroom
[ ]played truancy just after coming to school just to take attendance

Total so far: 41 + 1= 42

Level 9:

[ ]refused to pay school fees
[ ]cheated the school money
[x ]stole things which belonged to the school
[x]bullied someone in school
[ ]prank called your school

Total so far: 42 + 2 = 44

Level 10:

[x ]raised your voice/shouted against a student leader
[x]raised your voice/shouted against a teacher
[x]raised your voice/shouted against your discipline master/mistress
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your vice-principal
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your principal

Total so far: 44 + 3 = 47

Level 11:

[x]brought weapons to the school
[ ]brought real firearms to the school
[ ]brought a real bomb to the school
[ ]fired a real weapon in the school with the motive to frighten/kill
[ ]dressed up as a terrorist to school

Grand total: 47 + 1 = 48

If you are between 0-15 -------------{I am a good student}
If you are between 16-20------------{I am a good student but with occasional trouble}
If you are between 21-30------------{I am an average student}
If you are between 31-40------------{I am a bad student}
If you are between 41-50------------{I am a very bad student}
If you are between 51-60------------{I should have been caned by the discipline master}
If you are between 61-65------------{I should have been expelled from school}
If you are between 66-75------------{I should have been sent to a reformatory centre}


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