Monday, August 30, 2010

did i update on yesterday? hmm no. but actually nth to upate also.

today was great! kinda.
morning got a call from desiree saying we had to speak chinese LOL
in the end no laaaa. MUAHAHAHA!

social studies was boring like hell, wasnt so tired only
english was nothing much, did filing only. was so lazy!
mt was talking the entire time with desiree. laughing, gossiping wadever! :P
art was slacky, chat with clarie. didnt know she had so much problems. hehe
maths was damn funny at the start, seriously no maths cher can be as funny as him LOL!

homed and immediately packed my file! now its done, and i recorded videos for des.
so got no time to post the quiz and one long post on sth interesting.

TMR TMR TMR. please god make tmr a free day for me!

It's funny how when someone says they love you, you can't really feel it. But when they say they don't love you anymore, you can feel every ounce of what was drain out of your entire being.

i'm so sad today. on the journey home, i remembered both of you. everything. again

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