Tuesday, August 24, 2010

i miss ballet :/

hello! todays weather is freaking bad, awesome hot.
and yesterday was awesome cold.
how great?

today lesson was so so normal. but yes. with much laughter (:

first lesson was chem, fun yea? cos i love chemical equations. HOHO
physics did resistors thingy, remembered the "why" thing. HAHA!

( i can feel heat waves in my room ._.)

ls slept only, starting was damn funny.
watched the video thing then stanley keep deesiao.

recess was nothing, eat and eat. LOL!

english was great like seriously great.
and greenridge kinda suck. cos principals are bias. and principals are ugly. LOL

( and i just realised i have alot of stuff to do LOL)

maths was awesome shit larhs. i still cant believe i got full marks.
WTF WTF LOL. okay shall not be too happy. maybe tyco only ><
but i keep having random smiles every now and then. THANKS MUM AND THANK GOD :D

mt tried doing the maths. felt so idiotic when i got brainwashed by ernest LOLOL
but it was so simple, IDIOT. NYAHAHA.

and that's it!

read my book and saw these sentences
" and he kept laughing and looking at me to see whether or not i was laughing,too. that counts right? when someone keeps checking to see whether you think the same things are funny that he does? that totally counts for something"

and saw some facebook phrases:

Behind every heart break quote is a girl whom was deeply hurt by a jerk whom they still ♥

It's so sad that the people you were once so close to, is now becoming your stranger. Worst still, an enemy. :(

and oh shit i dono how to change back font. LOL!!

so true yea? and there's one more i cant find. which is kinda true..
maybe now i know why both of you deleted me in facebook.

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