Tuesday, August 31, 2010

大家好! :D

school's kinda slacky today. shant update much about it though. so damn tired.
gonna post sth plus quiz. record video for desiree. and sleep! (again) :(


now that my teeth is officially without clothes (braces), just felt like talking about it ;)

i still remember the first time my parents and i went to the dental clinic, RAPHAH. or wadever sp :x
i was kinda scared as i though it would look ugly on me, i didnt even know there would be pain.
i took the x-ray, the mould stuff. and i realised that my top jaw was very out and i had bug tooth.
the dentist told me that i could do operation or put braces. operation would be faster, but very dangerous.
so yea, i did braces larhs!
she used some glue to put on my teeth and used the so called 'brackets' to paste it.
it wasnt pain, but the brackets scratched my inner lip for one month because it was rough,
plus i couldnt get use to it.
the 2nd month the dentist finally put the "rubberbands", for the first time,
i experienced the pain of having braces.
i had to eat porridge for at least 3 weeks as it was so painful, i felt so wierd with it,
like there was sth in my mouth forever,
but as you see. i looked nicer in it LOL!

every month i changed the rubber band colour, and making it tighter.
till it really improved alot. after it was going back to normal.
the dentist gave me small bands to push my lower jaw frontward a lil'
that gave me so much headache!
after that i continued making it tighter everyone.
the major thing to wear was the HEAD GEAR.
yes, it sounds scary. i'm kinda sad i didnt take a pic of it lorhs.
i had to return it to them yea.
the head gear was to push back my upper jaw.
it wasnt as painful, but uncomfortable. it was quite big.
but it helped alot.

finally after months of visiting,paying money and pain.
it's done!

removing the braces was horrible, i got a damn shock
she needed to use "pliers" to break the brackets off.
which was kinda "pain" becuase she pushed my teeth and break,
i thought my tooth broke to LOL.
it took quite long to remove the glue also, and my teeth was dirty as i didnt wash the brackets part.
after a 1/3 hour plus process everything was done.
and looking at the mirror plus comparing my previous teeth. i just cant help but to laugh out :P
and i'm thinking, it's worth it, so worth it.
oh yea. i even had to buy some cream to make my teeth whiter and stronger : $50. WTF!

so now my teeth is so much better.

i'm not trying to scare anyone who's going or thinking of having braces.
i can confirm you that whoever does have braces wouldnt complain after they see nice results.
complaining is normal, even i do that. but in my heart i'm happy i have a chance to do and experience this.

whatever we want in life, we have to suffer; either a little or alot. we still get good results afterall.
and you would be telling yourself : afterall, i'm happy.

and, thank god and parents for spending so much money on me just for my teeth.


110. My last name:

109. I was born in:
Singapore .

108. I am really:
tired now

107. My phone is:
beside me, waiting for someone to msg me cos i'm bored. LOL

106. My eye color is:

105. My ring size is:
so small, very small. :P

104. My height is:

103. I am allergic to:
dirty environment, eg. my room LOL

102. I was born on:
29 december 95

101. I am annoyed by:
groups of girls who annoy me like piece of shit and boys who disturb girls like FOREVER

100: What happened to question 189?
whooo cares~~ FAKE CHANG CHANG. LOL

99. My bed is:
full of stuffed toys :X

98: One thing you don’t like about yourself:
hmm, my small hair dangling around when i tie them up LOL

97. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?

96. How do you vent anger?
depends what i'm angry about?

95. How did your day start off?
waking up and sleeping on my basin. HAHAHAHAAH

94. Do you get along with guys or girls better?

93. How do you think you look right this moment?
so fucky. LOL. messy hair. tired eyes.

92. Last person you went to the movies with?
my bro?

91. My favorite Holiday is:
what you mean?

90. The last CD I bought was :
i dont think i have any.

89. Do you have any siblings?

88. What did you do yesterday?
did my stuff :D

87. When in doubt?:
i think for the whole night and sleep for awhile only. -.-

:::I Do /Do Not Believe In::::

86. Love at first sight? yes,

85. Luck? Ya .

84. Fate? Yes .

83. Aliens? sometimes? LOLOL

82. Heaven? yeaa

81. Hell? yesyes

80. Ghosts? YES LOR :(

79. Horoscopes? yes.

78. Soulmates?: i kinda forgot the meaning of that...

77. Karma? hmm, sometimes

:::Which is Better?:::

76. Drunk or High? High

75. On the phone or online: depends who i talk tooo

74. Red heads or blondes? Blondes .

73. Blondes or Brunettes? brunettes?

72. Hot or cold?: Hot

71. Summer or Winter: Winter .

70. Chocolate or vanilla?: vanilla

69. Night or Day?: day

68. Oranges or Apples?: APPLES

67. Curly or Straight hair? slight curls

::Here’s What I Think About:::

66. Abortion: noo

65. Backstabbers: i kill yoU! LOL

64. Parents: hmm

:::Last time I:::

63. hugged someone: yea. i only hugged two person. LOL

62. Saw someone: maid?

61: Cried in front of someone? not really. only hear LOL


60. Who is the ditziest person you know: sounds like gritty LOLOL

59. Who makes you laugh? RAO RAO

58. Last show you watched? tv or movie?

57. What you don’t understand is? why did he think he cant make me happy? why did mentard avoid me? ( emo)

56. The most unsatisfying answer: " i avoided you ever since sth happened to my grandmother" FUCK YOU LOL

55. Something I really miss when I leave home is? MY LAPPY LOL. MAD ME

54. The thing I’m looking forward to the most is? be happy. looking at you on thursday!

53. Tomorrow: use lappy and go buy present for teacher? NYAHA

52. Today: dono

51. Next Summer: dono

50. This Weekend: as usual

49. The person(s) who knows the most about me is: that guy who avoided me :(

48. The most difficult thing to do is? play the piano/organ with both hands!

47. I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket: NO LA LOL

46. The first person I talked to today was: mum, i wanted panty liners LOL

45. First time you had a crush: p4?

44. The one person who I can’t hide things from: mentard :(

43. Last time someone said something you were thinking: forgot wor.

42. Right now I am talking to? myself. always . LOLOL

41. What is your dream job? be a singer. WTH EHHE

40. First job? do a blowjob. LOLOLOL JKJK! NO job :(

39. I have had these pets: fish dog lizard insects everything in my house LOLOL

38. I can still see: that you have feelings for meeeeee

37. The worst sound in the world is: the sound of orgasm. LOL! dono la!

36. The person who makes me cry the most: you, and the other you! :<

35. Best sound in the world?: your laughter and voice :(

34. Who makes you happy? my dog, desiree and RAO! or maybe the people in sch! :>

33. Cats or dogs?: dogs.

32. Myspace or Facebook: facebooook!

31. Mexican food or Chinese? CHINESE

30. My favorite piece of clothing? currently don have?

29. My favorite color(s) are: black,white silver gold.

28. Last time I cried: last last night

27. My friends: crazy like a piece of shit. LOLOL

26. My computer: lappy* is FAST! :D

25. Last person I got mad at: i remembered. but i forgot again

24. Person you secretly crush on? its a secret? LOLOL

23. Favorite place to eat?: anywhere as long there's good food!

22. Favorite song: ermermermermerm. SO MANY

21. The all-time best show is: most shows are nice in my opinion LOL

20. The all-time best feeling in the world is: MASTURBATING!. LOLOL. okok no. being with you <3

19. Favorite scent: the wierd smell on you :P

18. What color is your hairbrush: maroon?

17. Favorite shoes: the one i just bought!! :D

16. I lose all respect for people who : are shits. LOL

15. favorite channel to watch: CH8?

14. favorite food: my fav noodle!

13. favorite day of the week: hmm. dono

12. Best Feature(s) in the opposite sex: the smell, eyes, smile. EVERYTHING IN YOU!

11. The worst pain I was ever in was: 27/04/10 :(

10. Best Memory: from the day i knew you

9. Favorite TV show? too many

8. My favorite singer/band: ME. LOLOL

7. Favorite Stuffed Animal? DOGDOGDOG

6. Greatest Fear: death, insects -.-

5. My weakness is: i dono! LOL

4. When was your last concert? i dont think i ever entered one LOLOL

3. Who broke your heart? you, but i still love you :(

2. One thing that makes you feel great is: using lappy!

1. One person that you wish you could see right now ? you,!

Rules of the game:

If you have done something in this school which is indicated by the sentence, mark the [ ] on the left side of the thing you have done with a x.
Let the game begin.

Level 1:

[x]Sleep in class
[x]Talked in class
[x]not seating at your own place in class
[x]Scolded by a teacher
[x]Litter the classroom
[x]Did not do your homework at least 15 times
[x]Submitted your homework late at least 10 times
[ ]Came late for school at least 10 times
[x]brought/wore home clothes without school's permission
[x]brought/wore jewellery to school
[ ]did not pay attention in class for at least 60% of the time
[x]cried out "sian" or "wa lao wei" to the teacher
[ ]plucked a flower/ killed a plant in school
[x]copied other people's homework in desperation
[x]played a trick on your classmates/teacher

Total so far: 12

Level 2:

[ ]sent for detention class
[x]late in class
[x]not wearing your school uniform (if you have) properly
[x]shouted at the top of your voice during lesson time
[x]scolding vulgarities in class
[x]sported hairstyle deemed unacceptable by the school
[x]used a school facility without school's permission
[ ]played soccer/basketball or any other sports in classroom
[ ]singing loudly during lesson
[x]walking around the class aimlessly during lesson time
[x]did not greet the teacher properly
[x]went to the toilet during lesson time without permission
[x ]played a trick on the teacher during april fools
[x ]used the teacher's table as a rubbish dump
[x]made yourself a nuisance to the teacher

Total so far: 11 + 12 = 23

Level 3:

[x]was asked to stay back after school/ break time
[x]made a fool out of morning assembly
[x]wasted the school's toilet paper
[x]sabotaged someone
[x]irritated someone

Total so far: 23 + 5 = 28

Level 4:

[x]forged your parent's signature
[ ]forged a classmate's signature
[ ]forged a teacher's signature
[ ]made rude remarks to the school cleaners in front of them
[ ]flew a paper aeroplane down from the school's highest storey

Total so far: 28 + 1 = 29

Level 5:

[x]fiddling with your handphone during lesson time
[x]played with your PSP in school ( OR Friends PSP?)
[x]using school computer to play games without a teacher's permission
[x]listened to an MP3 player in school
[ ]messed with the teacher's pigeon hole

Total so far: 29 + 4= 33

Level 6:

[x]vandalising with school property
[x]tried to defame your school in public
[ ]used the internet to scold teachers
[x]fought with someone in school
[ ]shoplifted in school

Total so far: 33 + 3= 36

Level 7:

[x]cheated in a class test
[x]cheated in a school examination
[x ]cheated for your PSLE/ GCE 'O' or 'A' Level Examination
[x]Lied to your teacher
[x]played truancy for hall assemblies/ specific lessons

Total so far: 36 + 5= 41

Level 8:

[ ]took drugs in school
[ ]smoked in school
[ ]set fire to something in the school
[x]locked the teacher out of the classroom
[ ]played truancy just after coming to school just to take attendance

Total so far: 41 + 1= 42

Level 9:

[ ]refused to pay school fees
[ ]cheated the school money
[x ]stole things which belonged to the school
[x]bullied someone in school
[ ]prank called your school

Total so far: 42 + 2 = 44

Level 10:

[x ]raised your voice/shouted against a student leader
[x]raised your voice/shouted against a teacher
[x]raised your voice/shouted against your discipline master/mistress
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your vice-principal
[ ]raised your voice/shouted against your principal

Total so far: 44 + 3 = 47

Level 11:

[x]brought weapons to the school
[ ]brought real firearms to the school
[ ]brought a real bomb to the school
[ ]fired a real weapon in the school with the motive to frighten/kill
[ ]dressed up as a terrorist to school

Grand total: 47 + 1 = 48

If you are between 0-15 -------------{I am a good student}
If you are between 16-20------------{I am a good student but with occasional trouble}
If you are between 21-30------------{I am an average student}
If you are between 31-40------------{I am a bad student}
If you are between 41-50------------{I am a very bad student}
If you are between 51-60------------{I should have been caned by the discipline master}
If you are between 61-65------------{I should have been expelled from school}
If you are between 66-75------------{I should have been sent to a reformatory centre}


Monday, August 30, 2010

did i update on yesterday? hmm no. but actually nth to upate also.

today was great! kinda.
morning got a call from desiree saying we had to speak chinese LOL
in the end no laaaa. MUAHAHAHA!

social studies was boring like hell, wasnt so tired only
english was nothing much, did filing only. was so lazy!
mt was talking the entire time with desiree. laughing, gossiping wadever! :P
art was slacky, chat with clarie. didnt know she had so much problems. hehe
maths was damn funny at the start, seriously no maths cher can be as funny as him LOL!

homed and immediately packed my file! now its done, and i recorded videos for des.
so got no time to post the quiz and one long post on sth interesting.

TMR TMR TMR. please god make tmr a free day for me!

It's funny how when someone says they love you, you can't really feel it. But when they say they don't love you anymore, you can feel every ounce of what was drain out of your entire being.

i'm so sad today. on the journey home, i remembered both of you. everything. again

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I'm leaving because you never asked me to stay.

HELLO EVERYONE. i got no time to update leh. :(
dad says i gotta sleep by 10 and i need to return lappy. zzz
so yea. sleeping early. anyway i have been sleeping so late lately. time to sleep early! :>

will miss my lappy kay LOL. but dont worry i know where it is. AHAHAHAHA

Saturday, August 28, 2010

If U’re in a relationship, married or none, read this. U’ll know why at the end.

I reccomend you guys to read this… I read it three times… Yes it is long but believe me, its worth it. I promise- Bubz xx



When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I’ve got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.

Suddenly I didn’t know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly.

She didn’t seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why?

I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn’t talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer; she had lost my heart to Jane. I didn’t love her anymore. I just pitied her!

With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company.

She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Jane so dearly. Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.

The next day, I came back home very late and found her writing something at the table. I didn’t have supper but went straight to sleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with Jane.

When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again.

In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn’t want anything from me, but needed a month’s notice before the divorce. She requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal a life as possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a month’s time and she didn’t want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.

This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me to recall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day.

She requested that every day for the month’s duration I carry her out of our bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was going crazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.

I told Jane about my wife’s divorce conditions. . She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce, she said scornfully.

My wife and I hadn’t had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mommy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly; don’t tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside
the door. She went to wait for the bus to work. I drove alone to the office.

On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn’t looked at this woman carefully for a long time. I realized she was not young any more. There were fine wrinkles on her face, her hair was graying! Our marriage had taken its toll on her. For a minute I wondered what I had done to her.

On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacy returning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life to me.

On the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacy was growing again. I didn’t tell Jane about this. It became easier to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger.

She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a few dresses but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, all my dresses have grown bigger. I suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why I could carry her more easily.

Suddenly it hit me… she had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart. Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head.

Our son came in at the moment and said, Dad, it’s time to carry mom out. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this last minute. I then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly; it was just like our wedding day.

But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. I held her tightly and said, I hadn’t noticed that our life lacked intimacy.

I drove to office…. jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my mind…I walked upstairs. Jane opened the door and I said to her, Sorry, Jane, I do not want the divorce anymore.

She looked at me, astonished, and then touched my forehead. Do you have a fever? She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Jane, I said, I won’t divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn’t value the details of our lives, not because we didn’t love each other anymore. Now I realize that since I carried her into my home on our wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death do us apart.

Jane seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away.

At the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote, I’ll carry you out every morning until death do us apart.

That evening I arrived home, flowers in my hands, a smile on my face, I run up stairs, only to find my wife in the bed - dead.
My wife had been fighting CANCER for months and I was so busy with Jane to even notice. She knew that she would die soon and she wanted to save me from the whatever negative reaction from our son, in case we push thru with the divorce.— At least, in the eyes of our son—- I’m a loving husband….

The small details of your lives are what really matter in a relationship. It is not the mansion, the car, property, the money in the bank. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves. So find time to be your spouse’s friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage!

If you don’t share this, nothing will happen to you.

If you do, you just might save a marriage.
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.


So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate. Matthew 19:6.

By Stephanie Halmilton

des fav photo LOL!

hey hey! last night was so damn tired, i slept at 3 watching xin.msn show.
so now i'm still so so so tired.


friday was fine, des was late for sch lol.
slacky day yesterday. cos art and english is do nth.
physics slack only. cos of that jermyn keep doing nonsense stuff HAHA!
after sch went homeeee, so many people. i hate fridays :P
homed,lunched slept a lil' then bathe, wore my sort of "new" blazer!!

went to dentise and remove braces. long process. plus damn scary process.

and so..................
TADA! i still find it soooo wierd! :P

dinner at jurong sakura? i dono leh ehe,
i ate from 7.45 to 9.25 non stop! like seriously. but when i went home i gained 1.3kg ONLY.
there's just no way i can be fat! ( in my weight) LOL. but nvm la. got SOME PEOPLE jealous lorrrrrrrrr. NYAHAHA

my first dish! sushi <3

soft shell crab is nice lorhs!

chicken wing wasnt wad i expected. VEG IS NICEEEE

i'm mad, and it didnt taste good. wanted to vomit :X
DESERT! or dessert? LOLOLOL

fruits and ice creammmm.
mummy! :D and her beloved chawan mushi. ehe
MY BEEF. LOLOLOL. wasnt so bad. :O
bro being full alr. lawl!
this was my first scoop of ice cream.

the photos were quite jumbled up.

homed and slept!?


there's actually nth much. went for ptm slept lunch and thats all.
gonna be a boring and okay day cos later got tuition. gonna buy dinner out with bro.
cos got the 7th month festival dinner behind. so gonna use lappy for at least 2 hours!

ptm sucks, always. :P

so yea.
gonna blog about sth interesting either later or tmr.


Friday, August 27, 2010

"its the 28, yesterday 27. so far no cry. GOOD!"

hello people! i dont feel like updating leh. BYEBYE
i got no time to update, ciao!

Sometimes, its not enough to say that you are sorry.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

"everyday when i walk home from sch and look at that place, just makes me think of you. so i'm like thinking of him the whole day and you too. we wanted to go marina barrage together remember? but in the end u avoided me. i didnt expect this friendship would end. it's too sudden."

desiree didnt go sch. hoho! alone for the entire time? nah not so :P

social studies wasnt that tiring, for me. ehe. did essay. was actually writting crap and didnt put so much effort. but its included in ct2. no choiceee.

maths was kinda funny, he was still mad at yuvan. LOL. and telling us to copy copy.
haiyoyo. and i recorded too! :P
did the questions and stuff. so difficult. :( ( i have 3 questions plus a ws maths to do, and i'm intending to sleep, bathe use lappy till parents come home LOL)

geography was boring. the weather was freaking hot, until now.
got sour pour from cher. NYAHAHA.

chemistry was okay lorhs. its always fun larhs. and i nearly got all correct
plus until now ms kang never test me, copy will be more day by day WTH ><

engrish was funny. too bad desiree missed it.
mr heng had no voice so the entire time was slacking.
he used microsoft words to talk to us. and called weekang a dwarf.
and he said i looked nicer with my new specs. HAHA!
was damn funny larhs. then go to fb and see ppl profile pic. damn funny.

assembly was nice and funny too.
quinten sat behind me, and kept deesiao me lawl.
choir and chinese orchestra. both is nice! recorded a lil for des? or maybe for me LOL!

went home, and BYE! :D

Dont tell me we are not meant together. Because you are the one who always tell me our love is strong and unbreakable. And, you are the one who always ensure me that we are meant for each other.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

i dont why but this year the main reason why i wanna get the classphoto, is to see you. not me. but you.
and i felt so happy seeing you smile. because i didnt see your smile that often when were together.
i'm not your smile. i'm the one smiling and laughing, but i realised. u don't. i hope you're smiling now.
because i'm not yours anymore.
looking at that photo can just make me cry. i miss you alot, i really do.
what about you? how do you feel when u see me everyday? i can sense you still love/like me. i'm at least 80% sure.
and when i'm doing some stuff like having fun with other boys you look, and it means something right?
or am i just thinking too much like i'm so perfect for you to continue loving me?
i don't know how long this misery is going to last.
when can i have a month that there'll be no tears in my eyes?
it's the 25th today, on the 27th will be our 4 months being strangers.
time passes really fast. but i felt like we broke up yesterday.
avoiding me, is this how u show your sadness to me? or is it that you wanna forget me.
it's find you know. but it actually hurts alot. why cant we be normal friends? just friends, for fucking sake.
are you that immature? i really want you to be someone that will always be with me.
or is it that both of us are still young?
and i really wish that we can be together again.

i'm so so so afraid of love, all i ever think about is you.

"If you’re going to love me, love me deeply. If you’re going to break my heart, then break it all. If you’re going to care, care for me completely. If you decide not to hold me, then just let me fall. If you’re going to stay, then stay forever and if you want to leave, then do it today. If you’re going to change, change for the better. And if you’re going to talk, please mean what you say. Don't ever change ur mind half way."

If you could see how hard i cried, i swear you will feel like the shitest person ever alive.

"i woke up and did my stuff, checked my phone and msged with ____, prepared for school and walk to the bus stop. i love looking at the clouds, especially when they're moving so obviously, and listening to my favorite song that remains me of everything. especially you. especially love. i waited for the bus for awhile, aboard it. went to the lrt station. looking at rich women carrying branded bags. walked to school and there's it, a place where i really know happiness. but when i see you? things are kinda different."

HELLO! decided to change the way i type my bloggy. hehe, like make those short stories or sth.

like so fun ley. hehe. and there's something wrong with my font again. plus the spacing. :(

i just helped desiree record videos. so many lorhs! so i only filmed chonny and peterchao. okay :D

today's a normal day, but there's someone special to entertain me, nyaha~

geography started out great. kept laughing cos of sheng han LOL,

seriously i forgot so many stuff 3 of us did together. HEHE

english was damn tired and headache. cos i slept at 1 last night HAHA.

slept and day dreamed. didnt do my work. needa do later! :<

recess was nothing, as usual.

chemistry is fun! i love chem larhs. its easy. like seriously. for me larhs.

but still quite slow. JY :P

maths was hilarious. OUT OUT. LOL.

i love mr rao man, and i recorded the voice of mr rao scolding yuvan.

everyone kinda got a shock HAHA!

mt was nothing, always chatting. i seriously dono a shit how am i going to survive without chinese ><

so yea. that's all. maybe post again :D

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

i'm so bored. i dont feel like doing english. muaha? :P (5 mins later)

so i'm currently doing "art" and! at clicknetwork.tv waiting for PER TO START FML. LOL (12 mins later)

just felt like blogging, but dono wad to blog leh, should i rant? or what? NYAHA(3 mins later)

okay. i'm so so so bored. i shall end. LOL
i miss ballet :/

hello! todays weather is freaking bad, awesome hot.
and yesterday was awesome cold.
how great?

today lesson was so so normal. but yes. with much laughter (:

first lesson was chem, fun yea? cos i love chemical equations. HOHO
physics did resistors thingy, remembered the "why" thing. HAHA!

( i can feel heat waves in my room ._.)

ls slept only, starting was damn funny.
watched the video thing then stanley keep deesiao.

recess was nothing, eat and eat. LOL!

english was great like seriously great.
and greenridge kinda suck. cos principals are bias. and principals are ugly. LOL

( and i just realised i have alot of stuff to do LOL)

maths was awesome shit larhs. i still cant believe i got full marks.
WTF WTF LOL. okay shall not be too happy. maybe tyco only ><
but i keep having random smiles every now and then. THANKS MUM AND THANK GOD :D

mt tried doing the maths. felt so idiotic when i got brainwashed by ernest LOLOL
but it was so simple, IDIOT. NYAHAHA.

and that's it!

read my book and saw these sentences
" and he kept laughing and looking at me to see whether or not i was laughing,too. that counts right? when someone keeps checking to see whether you think the same things are funny that he does? that totally counts for something"

and saw some facebook phrases:

Behind every heart break quote is a girl whom was deeply hurt by a jerk whom they still ♥

It's so sad that the people you were once so close to, is now becoming your stranger. Worst still, an enemy. :(

and oh shit i dono how to change back font. LOL!!

so true yea? and there's one more i cant find. which is kinda true..
maybe now i know why both of you deleted me in facebook.

Monday, August 23, 2010

got this from chantels blog. so nice!

so yea. wanted to blog yesterday but i slept off last night LOL.
damn tired larhs. so bo bian. UPDATE.


went to church as usual lorhs. went there and kept laughing.
cos the person that talk was so damn funny, its not so now. but that day me and bro kept laughing la!
cant tahan lorhs.
church finish went to find chloe then went to long johns to eat!
seriously, its the first time i ate that i think LOL
okok larhs. not so bad! :P

then went home first. wore my new shoes! happy shit larhs~

so yea. went to tp lorhs. was damn tired. slept in the car for soooo long! :D
did nth much larhs. as usual, watched the yog. singapore win. but there's so much laughter HEHE

homed as usual.

i got no time to update. SO SORRY!
shall tell you more tmr.



WAHAHA. just now haven even bathe. so pathetic LOL
so yea. its like 9 now. i'm doing "art" ._.
so faster cont update lorhs. HEHE

so today was damn tired day,
i stay up late, not tired.
sleep earlier than normal but damn fuckin tired.
wierd me lorhs! :P

so yea. slept so nicely in the car. reached sch. talk and laugh as normal LOL
assembly was what ah? forgot lerhs.
then check chair. THANK GOD so far i never kena caught. CONT THIS WAY ><

ss was boring larhs. damn tired and giddy, hand also lazy write neatly. nyahaa

next was pe? slack, laugh at jermyn. SO FUN LARHS LOL

art was nth. wtf. so dulan cant find picture. until now also. seriously :(

recess nthing

mt sleep.

maths is funny and boring


my eyes are so freaking tired.
cos i've been staring at it since i reached home.

should i still stay up late?

i dono dubudubudooo. LOL

Saturday, August 21, 2010




last night was kinda horrible. SO TIRED. LOL
actually had alot of stuff to update about yesterday, but i'm lazy.
but since i'm here alr, and i have time, and i'm not tired. i wont be lazy.

so yea. FRIDAY

school's alright. i actually forgot what happen
all i know that was damn funny?
i only remembered jermyn forgave me, half way. LOLOL!

so yea. sch ended. i think met vijay at the voiteck? LOL (void deck)
then with yuvan all, then shouted the farrell tham pai seh thingy. laughed like hell.
chased after the 960 bus, was happy. cos needed to chiong home. ehe

reached home, ate lunch with parents.
quickly did my stuff. that was when my lappy was done. HEHE/
bathed and went to hospital alr.
dentist appointment was cancelled. HAPPY! LOL
went to LULUCA first. dad bought that new house. seriously damn fucking nice.
its still building. but the room is smaller. BUT ITS NICE LARHS OKAY! LOL

reached hospital. was okay larhs. quite funny at some stuffs.
dont wish to say it here lol
doctor was equally wierd. okay? LOL. so dumb
the nurse taught me how to use the spray, its working so well now. ehe.
GP doctors are FAAAAKE~ LOL

ate teabreak at the food junction at NUH. ordered the half boiled egg. in the end is hard. wth?
both me and my dads reaction's damn funny. LOL.
they changed a new one. was damn hungry. ehe.

went to fetch bro. reached home, nth much.

TODAY. which is actually yesterday cos now its like 1.06 AM.

morning as usual, woke up and eat breakfast.
my appetite is much lesser lorhs. mac upsize cant finish fries. now this bowl of noodles also cant.
went home. brought eric out. was damn fun.
reached home was damn tired. then did my maths. then sleep. lunch, slack
tuition per normal.

dinner le then went to collect specs. MUAHAHAH.

so thats all actually,
very tired now. and i think i'm gonna sleep.

cant be bothered to change the colour of words.

gonna go church tmr and go grandma house.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

it's like the entire time..

hello people! today was a damn funny day plus damn sickening day.

morning was alright, until when i washed my specs and the same lense came off again.
but, THANK GOD i have contacts and THANK GOD i didnt take to long to wear those :D

reached sch as normal, was kinda lateeee/
assembly was boring eh?
and first period was slacky.
and i cant concentrate much with my contacts you knowww~ (:

after that was SS. which was sickening.
dont wish to talk about it larhs. some people just hopeless. :P
gave desiree my chocolate. lol! random.

maths was funny as usual, but not so. and i'm sad. LOL
i wanted mr rao to shout again la! EHE!

recess was ok lorhs. sian.

physics was funny or sth? okay larhs
go through paper. kept talking lor.
then some people brought SAW to sch. LOL
why the hell man? seriously. cant understnd.

english was NOTHING.
spent the time talking and laughing in the toilet thanks to desiree. LOL
i swear it was the most funny thing u ever done. so full out somemore. LOL

assembly = nonsense
except hai made me laugh. keep saying "sorry its mine" LOL
and his laughter is awesome. worst then mine, but more contagious. LOLOL.

went home quickly, and in the lrt my left contacts came out. good game lo. LOL
so like the entire journey home i only could see with my right eye ><


in the lrt. you on the left. mentard on the right.
i felt so god damn..... sad?
it made me more confused. and it made me remember everything we done.
whether its you or mentard i kept remembering all the times we had last time.
it made me think really hard. from bankit to cck. i cant help but to think.
and oh so wonderful, the song that made me think of mentard played in my play list.
how wonderful is this? how did both of you feel when 3 of us were in the lrt?
did both of you feel nothing?
or is it just me, just me that cant get over this.

i know YOU still love me. i know that.
and i'm sorry. i broke your heart, i made 2 friends be enemies.

i'm such a trouble


i went to the shop to get my specs done.
the aunty said that it would come out again and the specs would break too. (all in chinese)
and i said i know cos come out before.
and she repeated again that she would do it but the specs would break again.
which was already kinda wierd. but i didnt care.
then she looked somemore and told me to see the part that was going to break,
and said that i hit it before or sth, so i nicely said that it got stepped 2 times, so will like that.
then she said will break again but she would help me do. and repeated that it got hit before.
SO, finally when she did it i asked if i had to pay money, and said thank you nicely!
and she said again " will break and come out again"

all along her face was so act big like she was the pro or sth,
please la. u keep repeating then want me to buy a new specs now? i just want it mended.
and do you need an applause when u said correctly then the specs got hit? or you want me to shout "BINGO" at you bloody face.
just cos you think i look small and whatever shit i cant argue, if i wasnt it a hurry i would ans you " you tell me so many times alr what the fuck you want me to do?!"
seriously, tmr when i buy new specs i'm so gonna give you attitude. or just have a perfect stare till i leave your face (:
