Saturday, December 7, 2013

Salads make me happy.

HELLO! It's only 8.19pm and I'm so friggin tired due to a long day. But nevertheless I'm here to continue blogging! YAYYYY. *throws imaginary hand-made confetti again* I'm too enthu for festive seasons lol

Super outdated post like a month ago, but good things must share no matter what right?!
I never really thought of doing this in my life but......



It was something I needed to try out so badly and my mum randomly supported me on a weekend and we started buying groceries yaynesssss ^^

Two must-haves in my salad: Lettuce & Cherry Tomatoes.
sighpie I'm craving for them as I'm typing this

oh oh and if  you're wondering what sauce to use for your own salad, I'm not sure LOL
my mum recommended this cos my parents ate the salad from pizza hut and she asked them what sauce they used.
It was pretty good though heeeee

Got Capsicums and Japanese cucumber too!

Simply cut/chop/wash everything and woalaaaaaaaaaaaaa we're done.
& it was so much omg you're gonna have a shock HAHAHAHA


We only bought a ball(?) of lettuce and omgit'ssocrazybuti'msohappy.
it kinda lasted for two or three nights and I was so happy!

needless to say, I realized that my facial complexion was SO MUCH BETTER.
I swear this is reallllllllllllllllllllllllll.

Gonna wait till exams are over & me to recover from dry cough & I shall experiment more yay!

E says byebye!

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