Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hey guysssss. 
Sorry I MIA-ed when I was supposed to blog on Wednesday and it's already the end of Saturday :(
I'm home and safely in Singapore but things have been really bad.

I guess this is one of the few spaces where I can open up and be as vulnerable as I can and it's a really personal post that I'm sharing with you guys. Whether you read it or not doesn't matter but I hope you respect what I've got to say :)

Hubz and I have been quarreling since a week ago (or even more) and things have been really crazy even as I touched down in Singapore. 
I've also been sick (never ever recovered from my cough 3-4 weeks ago) and am having a fever + all kinds of sickness you can think of.

So I'm all cooped up at home most of the time either being sad or being sick.. yeap that's about it lol.

Things may end between Hubz and I and I'm really so down I'm too speechless. & I'm sorry if I'm not talking to many people or initiating chats because I'm too stoned to even act happy and be alright.
Yah I know right super emo nemo ._.

We've had yet to really talk things out or even really have a nice chat about everything but no matter what happens I'll definitely try to stay strong for as long as I can.

I don't really want to say everything in detail because of Hubz's privacy but it's just mainly my fault.
Whoever knows me for at least 3 months would know I'm crazy, loud, and a big big bully.

I guess I hurt him too much and sometimes things are just too late and all I feel is guilt,
but of course my one and only wish for Christmas and my Birthday is to continue and begin new things with him and talk things out.
Not getting my hopes too high as I guess he's too hurt but oh wells....

Well that's about it! I'll try to pick myself back up as soon as I can and start blogging about my Malaysia trip! :)
Don't miss meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Friday, December 13, 2013

It's not ALOT, right?

Hello all! I totally look like a chipmunk up there, and yes it's my current photo yay yay.
If you're wondering why I'm looking so happy (as always but no this time i'm really happy),



& it's only 3D2N ._.
it looks like I brought my entire house/room there right, my mum was like "you're crazy!"

Here's what I brought:
2 sets of clothes
1 set of PJs
Slightly thicker jacket for Genting

THAT'S ALL! & I swear it's not alot okay but idk why it looks so full :(
I'm so exciteddddddddddddddddd! I'll try to vlog along the way hehehe.
oh and speaking about vlog, blogger's being a beej not letting me upload the vlog with Erika swimming,
so I've posted it up on my facebook!

I'll be back on Monday night so stay tuned on Wednesday maybe? ^^


Hello guysss :)
Wanted to blog and update about stuff but I guess I really need  to do this to let things out of me.

So one of my best friends recently broke up & I'm a sucker when it comes to it,
because I'm so practical I'll just go "It's okay time will heal".


& I'm feeling useless as shit. 

I don't know how to make you feel better because both of us are tough bitches and we know when to stop crying over sweet nothings,
but I know and remember very clearly how you were there for me throughout since 3 years ago.

We don't meet up as often but every time something happens to me, you'll always be there to talk and make fun of the mistakes I make.
& you were partly the reason why I could remain so strong even after breaking up with my previous.

I bet you didn't know that right hahahah.

I know you're strong enough to overcome this with or without me, but of course always know that I'll be here for youuuuuuuuu :)
Do what you want that keeps you happy. Laugh,cry,sing,sleep,eat,play games,draw. You have two awesome weeks till the new year and it's time for you to move on and be happy with what you have in your life right now.

I'm sorry I can't be there physically but you know I'll always be there.
I miss our movie marathons or just sitting somewhere talking and eating, and even working together!

It's time to move on beeeeeeeeeeeeech!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Erika's Belated Birthday Celebration.

Hello! How's everyone's Monday been? Mine was super off, day infinite of having dry cough and the day started real bad. but anyso, happy post for the day because I'm blogging about Saturday! 

It was Erika's first time swimming!! ^^

but of course let me show you my outfit for the day.....

okay just joking hahaha photo taken by my Mum after yoga lessons, sometimes being pretty and vain while exercising keeps my motivation too looool ithinkit'sjustme.

Let's continue with the pictures, mine followed by my Brother's camera so credits to him too!

Why does my Brother look like he's at Hawaii ahahahaha.

Look at ALL the dogs! So cute I cannot take it.
I also cannot take the smell ahahahaha.


What we do while waiting for my Aunt. hehehe.

Here's Chandler and Chloe! ^^

Erika all ready with her life jacket HAHAHAA
yes she doesn't know how to swim and it's really funny

The pool's quite small, and oh see that doggy there? He's crazy!
He keeps barking whenever someone throws the toy in the water and no it's not the bark of anger he's just crazy and hyper hehehe

First step into the pool HAHAHAHA look at that body language she's like wtf is this.
Erika doesn't like cold water bytheway ._.

Look at her tail hahha I cannot tank she's so unhappy ><

Look at me! Hehehe I feel like a Momma praising her when she's swimming ^^

She could finally swim without a life jacket! but of course she's always swimming back to shore I guess she wasn't enjoying :(

That expression D:

 Bathed Erika (photos below) and then headed to the Dog Cafe! 

Here's Erika waiting for her food.

Dog Cafe but Kitty drawing.... hmm......

YES. This is Erika's food, I'm so jealous.
Salmon Steak and Sweet Potatoes

Headed back home and my Aunt bought party hats even why so funny hehehe
& look at Erika so exhausted!

I was too tired as well so I cam-whored while lying down loololol


Hair was pretty nice that day due to the entire day of tying a bun huehue

FYI: The cake is edible for both dog and human consumption! It's really weird I tell you hahaha.
I actually kinda vlogged throughout the whole day but there's a problem uploading on Blogger I'll try it again tomorrow :( 

Followed by my Brother's photos! Yea it's much nicer lah it's a much better camera ok.

& my favourite photo,

Happy Birthday Erika! 
I guess we're all celebrating with such extent because we're so afraid of losing you,
you have such wonderful parents and I thank them for passing you to my family and I.

yes you're one expensive kid just like me but we hope you enjoyed Saturday even though you didn't really look like you did HAHAHAAH.

Gosh I'm so emotional and I love her so much. Here's to many more years Erika ^^
Stay healthy, crazy and yea maybe a little naughty.

E says byebye!