Tuesday, June 15, 2010

today's tuesday. so i'm gonna update for sunday and monday.
i look best in black and white photos! :D <3

did i update on saturday? :O

woke up. breakfast outside as usual.
didnt have much appetite.
i forgot what i did larhs.
most of the time reading book or use phone lorhs.
only remember after lunch we went vivo LOL.
met bro then shop shop the whole day.
was damn tired. and my jeans so tight -.-
not cos i fat. cos my tummy big. push my jeans down. LAWL!
i same as my bro lerh lorhs :(

there's this place in vivo so awesome
i forgot the name of the cafe.
sell chocolate stuff. so me and mum shared the waffle thingy.
its damn nice and cute lorhs.
like there's so smaller version of science lab conical flask type
one is choc chip one is melted choc.
so your pour how much you want on it.
but. its bery heaty :(
and i didnt bring water. LOL

one more dumb thing. i wore the wrong shoe to shopping.
so the entire time i walk. my toes pain pain lorhs x.x

dinner was at safra jurong. the gps is noisy.
and the way they talk. i cant understand. so dumb.

woke up. breakfast was at home.
my nose was mad.
read newspapers and stuff.
changed then went hospital for the checkup thingy
appointment time was 10.45, so we reached at 10.30 lorhs
in the end wait until 11.45 _l_
so long. plus air con so cold i wear shorts and forgot bring jacket.
my nose crazy like hell.
well, its a government hospital. what can i do -.-

my turn lerhs then ask me questions stuff.
my nose have ALLERGIES! gawd. i'm like desiree now :(
my dad also have. so yea. HEREDITARY? D:
she gave me the med and the nose spray thingy,
homed. lunched. read book, watch youtube with phone.
bathed. ate. went to dentist appointment.
*skip* ;P
reached home. did nth much lorhs.
dinner.tv-ed. tuition

tuition was awesome. i mean like. every question i didnt take so long to answer
like last time -.-
tuition over. played wii with maid. LOL

TADA! so happy i could remember wad i did yesterday ^^

woke up eat breakfast then came home
did my chemistry!
parents left lerhs. they go hospital thingy
so i can on. muahaha!
nothing much to update lerhh~
bro's home. gonna go up? :D

i watchecd most of peterchao,mychonny,bubzbeauty/bubbiosity,happyslip and kevjumba videos
heard of nigahiga or sth.
so gonna see lorhs.


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