Saturday, June 12, 2010

hello everyone! it's saturday!
but i still can on com. MUAHAHA.
cos parents go jurong point meet bro buy GPS?
so yea. faster chiong here bahs (:

everything's normal today. woke up ate breakfast.
played with doggy. then brought her out.
i regretted going out lorhs. the people cutting the grass
to me its normal. then i see my dog face alot grass -.-
so faster go home.

went home. damn tired.
so i slept beside my dog for dono how long.
woke up then prepared to bathe her.
leg was damn tired.
bathed her then watched two videos of kevjumba! HEHE! <3
he's cute lorhs. not damn cute larhhs. cute ^^

lunched. read book. slept. tuition.
saturdays are ALWAYS boring for me ._.

and yeah. for now
my whole blog post only will have two font colours.
one is normal then the other would be like sth funny or anything i wanna highlight for people to see.
so yeah, like this one~

andddd! i forgot to tell you all
there's a nest at my house LOL!
its gone now -.-
its like a bee or sth. they made their HOUSE at the tree behind my house there
within a night. even more awesome than a snail. LOL wth am i talking :P
so yea. called the dono who. the people came to our house to remove it. (WHEN I WAS OUT FOR TUITION)
such a nice timing.
maid say they burnt it. hohoho!

erm. there's nothing much ler lorhs.
wanted to complain about stuff.
but i wanna go youtube and watch kevjumba!! LOL!


will update on either tuesday or wednesday
cos monday dad will be home! ><

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